bilglik 6

Muhtelif konular

Muhtelif konular

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Bilgilik 335

And then would promptly die of the lack of air, the punishing g-forces, and the friction

burn along the way. But what happens if we try to calculate your speed using these


Well, S=D/T. So, 679million/0=…

If you tried plugging this into your calculator, you would quickly run into an error here.

Calculators do not like dividing by zero. This is because, the smaller the denominator

becomes on a fraction, the larger the total

number becomes. If you reduce the value of the denominator all the way down to zero,

the only way this

can work is if your total answer becomes infinity. If you travel for 0 time over any distance

greater than zero, you have just travelled

at infinite speed. So from light’s perspective, it is travelling infinitely fast, not at

299,792,458 m/s (let’s

call it “c”).

So why is it that everyone else detects light travelling at “c”, but light thinks it is going

infinitely fast?

What I am about to share is one possible theory. It’s going to incorporate the 4D space

we talked about when considering the nature of

time, as well as the hyperbolic universal geometry we discussed for the shape of space

models. Both models were important building blocks that we can now build upon in a

single 4D

hyperbolic geometry. This may sound intimidating, but it’s the same as the 4D space we

worked in before.

Let’s compress all of 3D space down into a single 2D plane; this leaves us the final

dimension free to be made into the “time” direction we looked at earlier. For the

hyperbolic element, all it means is that in our space, all the lines diverge away

from one another, always. This has the effect of warping space in a way our brains don’t

really process well,

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