bilglik 6

Muhtelif konular

Muhtelif konular

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334 Bilgilik

mass brings it together in such a way that it perfectly offsets the inverse curves of the

universe to the point where everything appears flat?

There certainly seems to be some evidence that this is the case. But it’s very difficult to

know for sure.

Which model do you think is correct? Or maybe you feel that we do not live in an infinite

universe at all?

Please leave a comment down below to tell me what you think! But for now, just

remember – the unseen world might be a lot more influential on our

universe than we are currently aware of. There is one last question that’s always puzzled

me about the universe, but one that

thanks to our last two models we are now equipped to answer. Why does reality have a

speed limit?

It is common knowledge that the speed of light is the fastest that anyone can go, but why

does this cap on causality exist? And why is it exactly 299,792,458 m/s?

Why not more? Why not less? If you’re like me, you’ve wondered about these strange

properties of light, but recently

I think I might have found an answer. And it lies in hyperbolic geometry.

And the more I’ve considered it, the more it’s blown my mind. Let’s talk a little bit about


There is an interesting observation we can make about light. From an external perspective,

it appears as if light is travelling at 299,792,458 m/s.

This is true no matter what perspective you look at it from; whether you are at standstill,

whether you are moving towards it, or away from it.

It always looks as if it is travelling at 299,792,458 m/s. However, there is a single,

interesting exception to this rule which had always puzzled me.

The photon’s perspective. Einstein has proven that for an object travelling at light speed,

time would slow down so much

that it would be at 0. If you were to suddenly start travelling at the speed of light towards

Jupiter, you would

notice 0 time passing, but would observe that you have travelled 679million km.

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