bilglik 6

Muhtelif konular

Muhtelif konular

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324 Bilgilik

They could not move or see in any of the other directions, and probably could not even


such directions as even existing. Photons whizzing by them would only be visible if they

entered the singular line that was

a 1D person’s whole area of existence. Now, adding extra directions of movement is

what’s needed to move things up from 1D

to 2D or 3D. So, in theory, we can predict what we need to do if we were to jump up to


However, here we hit a snag. While it’s easy to draw a line that’s perfectly perpendicular

to a single other

line: Or to draw another line on top of both of those lines that is perpendicular to the two

previous lines: How would we draw a 4th line that’s perpendicular to all 3?

Surely such a thing is impossible! Well, within 3D space, such a thing is impossible.

The best we can do is draw approximations. For instance, it’s possible to draw an

approximation of a 3D shape on 2D paper, by doing something

like this: These lines are all 2 dimensional, but we look at this and our brain recognises

that this is a picture of a 3D shape. So in the same way, we can probably do something

similar to guess what a 4D object might look

like using just 3D lines. Mathematicians have attempted to do this, although their results

tend to be a little

confusing. Although this is mathematically sound as a basis for a 4D object, I personally


find my understanding of 4D space deepened by looking at it. So, I won’t focus on it in

this video.

There is some evidence, however, that a 4th direction exists, and that we are moving


it right now. That fourth direction, or dimension, is time. Einstein predicted this

connection when he linked space and time into one unified “space-time”

in his theories of relativity. According to him, time and space are two parts of the same


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