bilglik 6

Muhtelif konular

Muhtelif konular

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322 Bilgilik

from everywhere? Why does light have a speed limit? I’m Alex McColgan, and you’re

watching Astrum.

And if you have ever wondered these same sorts of questions, perhaps the models in this


that I’ve developed with my brother might help explain the answers.

Ultimately, a great truth must be simple. The ideas here likely still need development.

But I believe that they explain the subject in a simple enough manner that they might just

be the starting point we need to find the truth.

To begin with, let’s start with a fundamental question.

What is time? On this channel, we’ve talked a lot about time.

As black holes warp space around them, we’ve learned that time slows down. We’ve

discovered the time-influencing effects of gravity, and even how the James Webb


can peer through time to the distant past, by taking advantage of the fixed speed of

light. This all may make sense so far, but what actually is time?

You can’t taste it, touch it, or feel it, yet time has an unstoppable influence on us,

and is pushing us forward whether we like it or not. Doesn’t something that impacts

everything we do deserve some additional understanding?

Thanks to this first model, we are going to have a possible explanation for why time slows

down as velocity increases, and why shapes warp when undergoing velocities close to the

speed of light. This model is based on recognised scientific theory, where we have taken

scientific concepts

and combined them into something you may not have seen before. But before we get to

that, we have to begin with one foundational idea: Time is actually

another dimension. Now, before you double-check that you haven’t logged on to some

sci-fi channel by mistake,

let’s discuss what I mean by dimensions. While in popular culture, different dimensions

are often described as parallel worlds that

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