Simon Singh - Big Bang'in Romanı-Büyük Patlama ve Evrenin Başlangıcı

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Bethe, Hans - 281, 289, 295-297,

Big Bang - 11,12, 153, 155, 156,

162, 236-238, 241, 243, 248,

249, 251-256, 259-265, 277,

283, 284, 286, 287, 289, 291,

292, 294-297, 299, 302, 303,

306-308, 310-312, 317-319, 321-

323, 326, 329-336, 338-342,

346-348, 351-354, 359, 364,

365, 369, 378, 381, 383-387,

394, 395, 397-403, 405-408,

410, 411, 415, 416, 418, 421,

423-425, 429-434, 436, 437,

439-442, 445-448,

Bingley - 312,

Block, Herbert L. - 298,

Bohr, Niels - 447,

Bond, William Cranch - 194,

Bondi, Hermann - 315, 317, 320,

323, 324, 329, 335, 352, 382,

385-387, 403,

Bonner, William - 331,

Born, Max - 139, 313,

Brahe, Tycho - 51, 53-56, 58, 75,

89, 117,

Bronstein, Matvei - 333,

brown hareketi - 105,

Bruno, Giordano - 44,

Bunsen, Robert - 212-223,

Burbidge, Geoffrey - 365, 403,

Burbidge, Margaret - 365,

Burke, Bernard - 395, 396,

Buys-Ballot, Christoph - 228,

California Lick Rasathanesi - 178,


California Teknik Üniversitesi

(Caltech) - 252, 258, 362, 390,


California Üniversitesi - 413,

Cambridge Rasathanesi - 132,

Cambridge Üniversitesi - 133, 140,

153, 313-315, 317, 320, 325,

367, 378, 380, 383,

Cannon, Annie Jump - 196,

Carnegie, Andrew - 180, 368,

Carnegie Enstitüsü - 179,

Cassini, Giovanni Domenico - 89-


Chadwick, James - 273, 274, 280,


Challenger - 417,

Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan -


Charleroi - 152,

Charles V - 41,

Chicago - 177-179,

Chicago Üniversitesi - 178, 202,

203, 205, 247,

Chown, Marcus - 357, 421,

Churchill, Winston - 375,

Christian IV - 55,

Clarke teleskobu - 231,

Clerke, Agnes - 184,

CMB radyasyonu - 308-311, 338,

339, 395-403, 407-411, 413-417,

419-424, 432, 433, 438,

COBE - 417-419, 420-425, 431,

432, 438, 439,

Cockcroft, John - 286,

Columbia Üniversitesi —389, 390,

Commentariolus - 42-44,

Comte, Auguste - 215, 222,

Coulson, Charles - 441,

Cremonali Gerard - 40, 41,

Crick, Francis - 189,

Curie, Marie - 265, 266, 275, 288,

Curie, Pierre - 265, 275, 288,

Curtis, Heber - 182-185, 211, 213,

Cygnus A - 380,

D’Auteroche, Jean - 133, 134,

D’Oresme, Nicole - 41,

Daguerre, Louis - 192, 193,

Darwin, Charles - 80, 324, 336,

Davis, Emler - 330,

Davisson, Clinton J. - 369,

De Mundi Aetheri - 54, 55,

De Revolutionibus - 45-49, 51, 55,

57, 67, 71,

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