Simon Singh - Big Bang'in Romanı-Büyük Patlama ve Evrenin Başlangıcı

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61 Cygni - 168-170,

Abell, George O. - 367,

Alfa Hidra - 193,

Alfonsine Şemaları - 41,42, 79,

Alfonso VI - 40,

Alfonso X - 41, 80,

Algol - 187-190,

Almagest - 37, 40, 41,

Alpher, Ralph - 292-297, 299-304,

306, 308-311, 315, 329, 353,

364, 394-396, 399-401, 419,

425, 431-434, 440,

Amerika Ulusal Bilim Akademisi -

181, 196,

Amerikan Astronomi

konseyi - 214,


Amerikan Bilim ve Gelişme Demeği

- 213,

Amerikan Fizik Topluluğu —424,

Anaxagoras —22-24, 27,

Anaximander - 13, 14, 82,

Andromeda - 171, 184, 209-213,

232, 343-347, 349-351, 356,

Annalen der Physik - 105

Annales de la Société Scientifique

de Bruxelles - 156,

Astronomia nova - 62, 63,

Arcturus - 225,

Argonne Ulusal Laboratuarı - 294,

Aristarkus - 22-24, 27-31, 33, 37,

41, 43, 46, 49, 51, 63, 186,

Aristoteles - 35, 41, 48, 65, 88,

Amagh Rasathanesi - 174,

Arşidük Ferdinand - 56,

Arşidük Franz Ferdinand - 131,

Arşimet - 29,

Astrophysical Journal - 397, 399,


Atina - 18, 22,

Atkinson, Robert d’Escourt - 278,


atom pudingi modeli - 267-270,

274, 337,

Augustine (Aziz) - 448,

Ault, Warren - 203,

Avignon - 49,

Baade, Walter - 342-352, 380, 383,


Baja yarımadası - 133,

Ball, Robert - 186,

Barberini, Francesco - 77,

Barberini, Maffeo - 74,

Barnard yıldızı - 225,

Batlamyus - 35-37, 40, 41, 43, 48-

51, 54, 55, 66, 67, 69, 80, 121,

126, 145, 225,

belirsizlik ilkesi - 448,

Bell, Alexander Graham - 369,

Bell, Jocelyn - 161, 162, 367,

Bell Laboratuarları - 369,370, 373,

388, 390-393, 396-398, 402,

Berlin - 130, 131,

Bern - 104, 114,

Bern Üniversitesi - 114,

Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm - 167-

170, 186,

Beta Aurig - 193,

Betelgeuse - 223, 224,

big bang’in romanı 449/29

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