11. Uluslararası Turhan Selçuk Karikatür Yarışması / Albümü - 2021

11. International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition - Album 11. International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition - Album

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TARİH VE DOĞANIN BULUŞTUĞU UYGARLIKLAR BAŞKENTİMuğla’nın tarihi ve turistik anlamda önemli ilçelerinden olan Milas, 5 bin yıllık geçmişi ve kültürbirikimiyle “uygarlıklar merkezi” kimliğini hak etmiş bir ilçedir.Birçok kültürün renklerini içinde barındıran aydınlık bir kenttir Milas… Milas, tarihsel süreç içerisindesırasıyla; Kalkolitik, Tunç Çağı, Demir Çağı, Pers, Hellen, Roma, Bizans, Selçuklu, Menteşe Beyliği veOsman Dönemi’nde kesintisiz olarak kent yaşamına devam etmiştir.Hekatomnid Dönemi’nde “Mylasa” adıyla Karia Bölgesi’ne başkentlik yapmış olan kent, Beçin merkezolmak üzere Menteşe Beyliği döneminde tekrar başkent olmuştur. 18. yüzyılda Firuzbey Külliyesi veÇöllüoğlu Hanı ile Osmanlı’nın en güzide örneklerini bünyesinde barındıran Milas; 19 yüzyılda ahşapcumbalı evleri ile Türk konut mimarisinin özgün eserlerini yansıtır.Milas, yalnızca deniz turizmi değil, doğa ve kültür turizminin de beşiğidir. Doğal organik tarımsal ürünleri,geleneksel el sanatları, kökboyalı yün iplerle dokunan Milas Halıları, misafirperver sıcak insanı, hava,kara ve deniz yoluyla ulaşım kolaylığı ile bir markadır.

CAPITAL OF CIVILIZATIONS, HISTORY AND NATURE MEETSMilas is an important historical and touristic district of Mugla, Milas District is called “Civilizations City” with its5 thousands past and cultural diversity.Milas was a capital of many different civilizations and it has lighten with the values of many colorful cultures.Milas was the capital two times to Caria region in historical period. In turn; Milas has gone on city life uninterruptedtempore of Kalkolitik, Bronza Age, Iron age, Persian, Hellen, Roman, Byzantine, Selcuklu, Mentese Sultanate andOttoman. Tempore of Hekatomnid, it was capital of Caria region in the name of “Mylasa”, and was capital again temporeof Mentese Sultanate. Also, Milas has the most beautiful examples of Ottoman with Firuzbey Kulliyesi and Colluoglu Innfrom 18th c., it reflects the authentic art of Turkish house architecture with the wooden bay window houses.Milas is not only the cradle of sea tourism and also it is cradle of nature and culture tourism.Milas is a mark with the natural organic agricultural products, the purpurin Milas carpets, the hospitable friendly people,the easiness of transportation with its highways-sea route- airway. So, Milas is going on by certain steps in the way ofbeing a “mark city “with the presentations which were in our fairground every year.“The city which honey flows from its mountains and olive oil flows from its savannas”.


Milas is an important historical and touristic district of Mugla, Milas District is called “Civilizations City” with its

5 thousands past and cultural diversity.

Milas was a capital of many different civilizations and it has lighten with the values of many colorful cultures.

Milas was the capital two times to Caria region in historical period. In turn; Milas has gone on city life uninterrupted

tempore of Kalkolitik, Bronza Age, Iron age, Persian, Hellen, Roman, Byzantine, Selcuklu, Mentese Sultanate and

Ottoman. Tempore of Hekatomnid, it was capital of Caria region in the name of “Mylasa”, and was capital again tempore

of Mentese Sultanate. Also, Milas has the most beautiful examples of Ottoman with Firuzbey Kulliyesi and Colluoglu Inn

from 18th c., it reflects the authentic art of Turkish house architecture with the wooden bay window houses.

Milas is not only the cradle of sea tourism and also it is cradle of nature and culture tourism.

Milas is a mark with the natural organic agricultural products, the purpurin Milas carpets, the hospitable friendly people,

the easiness of transportation with its highways-sea route- airway. So, Milas is going on by certain steps in the way of

being a “mark city “with the presentations which were in our fairground every year.

“The city which honey flows from its mountains and olive oil flows from its savannas”.

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