Medikal Teknik Aralik 2021

Medikal Teknik Aralik 2021

Medikal Teknik Aralik 2021


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15<br />

Market Competition, project applicants, academics and<br />

industrialists, was held digitally on 27th of November <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

87 projects applied this year<br />

This year, a total of 87 projects applied in 6 different<br />

categories: “medicine”, “medical”, “paints and adhesives”,<br />

“plastic and rubber”, “cosmetics-soap and cleaning<br />

products” and “basic chemicals”.<br />

With the determination of the finalist projects in each<br />

category, the finalists presented their projects in digital<br />

environment to the jury members in the morning and<br />

afternoon sessions on November 27, <strong>2021</strong>. The first of the<br />

category was awarded with 50 thousand TL, the second<br />

was awarded with 30 thousand TL and third was awarded<br />

with 20 thousand TL as a result of the evaluation carried<br />

out by the jury. A total of 550 thousand TL monetary award<br />

was given to 20 project owners who received a degree. In<br />

addition, a special award of 100 thousand TL will be given<br />

to the projects that become commercialized within a year.<br />

Adil Pelister: “Our target is to reach the export<br />

amount of 40 billion dollars in the chemical<br />

industry in 2030”<br />

Speaking at the 10th Chemistry R&D Project Market<br />

Competition Award Ceremony, Adil Pelister, Chairman of<br />

the Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters’<br />

Association, stated that the chemical industry will set a<br />

new record by surpassing the exports of approximately<br />

24 billion dollars in <strong>2021</strong>. Pelister said, “We are working<br />

hard with long-term studies to bring our industry to<br />

higher levels and to provide more permanent benefits to<br />

our economy. Our target is to catch the export amount<br />

of 40 billion dollars of chemical industry in 2030. The<br />

ability of our chemical industry to reach the targeted<br />

exports depends on its ability to produce innovative and<br />

competitive products with high added value.”<br />

1 million 756 thousand TL award was<br />

given in 9 years<br />

Emphasizing that the production of high value-added<br />

products is based on giving importance to R&D studies<br />

and that innovations and inventions in the chemical<br />

industry directly affect our quality of life, Pelister said, “The<br />

fact that ideas are applicable and can be produced will<br />

quickly contribute to the country’s economy and reduce<br />

the import dependency that our country faces. We have<br />

proudly reached the 10th anniversary of our R&D Project<br />

Market Event in the Chemical Industry, which we organized<br />

for this purpose. In 9 years, over 1,100 project applications<br />

have been evaluated in the categories of pharmaceuticals<br />

and pharmaceuticals, paints and adhesives, plastics and<br />

rubber, cosmetics, soap and cleaning products, and basic<br />

chemicals, and we have distributed 1 million 756 thousand<br />

liras to the project owners. Again, this year, we will award<br />

50 thousand TL for the first place, 30 thousand TL for the<br />

second, 20 thousand TL for the third place, and additionally<br />

100 thousand TL for commercialized projects in each<br />

category.”<br />

Dr. S. Armağan Vurdu, Executive Board, Chemistry R&D Project Market<br />

Bu yıl 87 proje başvurdu<br />

Bu yıl, “ilaç”, “medikal”, “boyalar ve yapıştırıcılar”, “plastik<br />

ve kauçuk”, “kozmetik-sabun ve temizlik ürünleri” ve<br />

“temel kimyasallar” olmak üzere 6 ayrı kategoride toplam<br />

87 proje başvuru yaptı.<br />

Her kategoride finalist olan projelerin belirlenmesi<br />

ile finalistler, 27 Kasım <strong>2021</strong> tarihinde sabah ve öğlen<br />

oturumlarında jüri üyelerine dijital ortamda projelerini<br />

sundu. Jüri tarafından gerçekleştirilen değerlendirme<br />

sonucunda belirlenen kategori birincileri 50 bin TL, ikincileri<br />

30 bin TL ve üçüncüleri 20 bin TL para ödülü almaya hak<br />

kazandı. Derece alan 20 proje sahibine toplam 550 bin TL<br />

para ödülü verildi. Ayrıca bir yıl içinde ticarileşen projelere<br />

100 bin TL özel ödül verilecek.<br />

Adil Pelister: “Hedefimiz 2030 yılında 40<br />

milyar dolarlık kimya sektörü ihracat tutarını<br />

yakalamak”<br />

10. Kimya Ar-Ge Proje Pazarı Ödül Töreni’ne konuşan<br />

İstanbul Kimyevi Maddeler ve Mamulleri İhracatçıları Birliği<br />

Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adil Pelister, kimya sektörünün<br />

<strong>2021</strong> senesini yaklaşık 24 milyar dolarlık ihracatı<br />

geçerek yeni bir rekora imza atacaklarını dile getirdi.<br />

Pelister, “Sektörümüzü daha üst noktalara ulaştırmak ve<br />

ekonomimize daha fazla kalıcı faydalar sağlamak için uzun<br />

vadeli çalışmalar ile var gücümüzle çalışıyoruz. Hedefimiz<br />

2030 yılında 40 milyar dolarlık kimya sektörü ihracat tutarını<br />

yakalamak. Kimya sektörümüzün hedeflenen ihracata<br />

ulaşabilmesi ise katma değeri yüksek, yenilikçi ve rekabetçi<br />

üretim yapabilmesine bağlı” dedi.<br />

9 yılda 1 milyon 756 bin lira ödül verildi<br />

Katma değeri yüksek ürünlerin üretilmesinin Ar-Ge<br />

Aralık - December <strong>2021</strong>

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