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İslam Medeniyeti ve Fuat Sezgin ProjesiIslamic Civilization And Fuat SezginALİ KUŞÇUAstronomer and mathematician who grew up inSamarkand during the Timurid period.Ali Kuşçu recalculated the longitude of Istanbulpreviously calculated by Batlamyos. As it was calculatedbefore, he found the degree of latitude as41 again and this information was correct and didnot need any change. However, he has correctedthe longitude as 59, which was knownas 60before, until that day. With this study, Ali Kuşçudetermined the longitude of Istanbul exactly 59degrees and its latitude 41 degrees 14 minutesand also made a sundial on the Fatih Mosqueminaret. Ali Kuşçu’s work has also contributed tomany mathematics and astronomy studies in Europe,especially Copernicus.He also played an important role in the developmentof mathematics and geometry studies especiallyin the Ottoman Empire with his works inmathematics-algebra and geometry. The studiesput forward by Ali Kuşçu brought a serious arrangementto the studies of astronomy and mathematicsin the Ottoman Empire, where he stayedfor about 2 years and later led to the trainingof Mîrim Çelebi (his grandson) and many othergreat scientists.Ali Kuşçu also has studies in theology, grammarand mathematics and astronomy. Adudüddin’scomments to Risale-i Adüdiye (The Risalesi ofAdudüddin) and especially his works named Unkud-Üz-Zevahirfi Nazm-ül-Cevahir (Clusteringof Gems) are important. In addition, his commentto Uluğ Brain Zic is one of his most importantwritings. In addition, he has an encyclopedicwork called Mahbub-ül-Hamail fi Keşif-il-Mesail(the most admired of talismans in the discoveryof issues). Ali Kuşçu has also dealt with poetry inaddition to all these Works.FARABİThe famous Turkish philosopher who based Islamicphilosophy in terms of method, terminologyand problems.Fârâbî is a great scholar who has done importantstudies in the field of Philosophy, Logic, Psychology,Music, Chemistry, Mathematics and Medicine.The real fame of Fârâbî comes from philosophyand especially from philosophy’s bets on religion.For the first time in the Islamic world, Fârâbî,who established an eclectic system by addingsome elements from EfLâtun, to the philosophicalmovement initiated by Kindî and the Meşşâîmovement formed by him, as well as some ofthe theoretical, prophetic and spiritual culture,which was the basis of his belief and culture.This Turkish philosopher also dealt with politicalphilosophy and wrote a famous book known as“ârâ” Ehli’l-Medîneti’l-Fâdıla “. In this book, heexplained a general State and how the presidentof that State should be. Kitâbü’l-Mûsîkî, one ofthe most important and original works of Fârâbîin the history of science, became the basis ofhis musical theories in Europe. Sources say thatFârâbî invented the musical instrument called“kanun(cither)” for the first time.He emphasizes that there is a close resemblanceand close relationship between language andlogic. According to him, grammar is to give therules of speaking correctly and logic to thinkcorrectly. If language is external speech, logic isinternal speech. However, while it contains therules of the language of a grammatical nation,48

İslam Medeniyeti ve Fuat Sezgin Projesilogic refers to the laws of the thought of all humanity.Those who do not know grammar cannotspeak correctly, and those who do not know logiccannot always think correctly. According to Farabi,religion is one of the essential foundations forthe society to reach happiness. Religion, a socialphenomenon, aims to achieve a certain purposeby directing the society to a certain life.FUAT SEZGİNA Life Specially Dedicated to Science.Our world-wide known science historian ProfessorDr Fuat Sezgin, who found many worksand discoveries of Muslim scientists, is the discovererof the golden age of Islamic Civilization.While he was working as an assistant, he wasalso busy collecting materials related to the WrittenSources of Bukhari Tafsir. He made recordsand catalogs of incoming books in the Library ofIslamic Studies Institute. He helped publish theIslamic Studies magazine and prepared an articlefor it. Fuat Sezgin, assistant of the GeneralTurkish History Chair, completed his dissertationin the 1953/54 academic year and successfullycompleted the foreign language phase of his associateprofessor exam. In 1956, he published hisassociate professorship thesis called “Researchon the Sources of Buhârî”.German physicist Eilhard Wiedemann startedmodeling in 1900 in order to introduce the toolsfound in Islamic science history. Until 1928, hemanaged to model only five tools in about 30years of his life. Professor Dr. Fuat Sezgin: “CanI manage to make 30 tools?”, “Can I fill a roomeven if it is not a museum?” started to work withthe thought. He modeled more than 700 tools inthe Islamic History of Science Museum he foundedin Frankfurt, and he achieved a great successbeyond his imagination. In the same building,there was a History of Sciences Library containing45,000 volumes of books, which he broughttogether with great care and effort from all overthe world.Professor Dr. Fuat Sezgin decided to set up a museumof the Islamic History of Science Museum inhis homeland, in Istanbul. His goal was to enableTurks to see these extraordinary achievements oftheir civilization and the contribution of Muslimscientists to the history of science in a more concreteway.As a result of his efforts,the opening ofthe Islamic Science and Technology History Museum,took place on 25 May 2008.Professor Dr. Fuat Sezgin passed away on 30June 2018 in Istanbul, where he spent his lastyears and continued his studies. He devoted hislife to science with his diligence and hard workthat pushes the limits of human power, and lefthis very valuable works and thoughts behind.Fuat Sezgin was an exceptional value with animportant place in his field.İBN-İ SİNAThe biggest systematic philosopher of the IslamicMeşşâî school, the leading representative of medievalmedicine.Ibn-i Sina had an extraordinary intelligence andhe memorized the Quran when he was 10 yearsold. Ibn-i Sina has reached an advanced level inthe fields of astronomy, philosophy, chemistry,medicine and pharmacy.He made progress in the fields of logic, mathematicsand physics and began to study the worksin the field of metaphysics. Ibn-i Sina was invitedto the palace after Sultan Mansur had a severeillness. Together with the palace doctors, hesucceeded in the treatment of the sultan. Ibn-i49

İslam Medeniyeti ve Fuat Sezgin Projesi

Islamic Civilization And Fuat Sezgin


Astronomer and mathematician who grew up in

Samarkand during the Timurid period.

Ali Kuşçu recalculated the longitude of Istanbul

previously calculated by Batlamyos. As it was calculated

before, he found the degree of latitude as

41 again and this information was correct and did

not need any change. However, he has corrected

the longitude as 59, which was knownas 60

before, until that day. With this study, Ali Kuşçu

determined the longitude of Istanbul exactly 59

degrees and its latitude 41 degrees 14 minutes

and also made a sundial on the Fatih Mosque

minaret. Ali Kuşçu’s work has also contributed to

many mathematics and astronomy studies in Europe,

especially Copernicus.

He also played an important role in the development

of mathematics and geometry studies especially

in the Ottoman Empire with his works in

mathematics-algebra and geometry. The studies

put forward by Ali Kuşçu brought a serious arrangement

to the studies of astronomy and mathematics

in the Ottoman Empire, where he stayed

for about 2 years and later led to the training

of Mîrim Çelebi (his grandson) and many other

great scientists.

Ali Kuşçu also has studies in theology, grammar

and mathematics and astronomy. Adudüddin’s

comments to Risale-i Adüdiye (The Risalesi of

Adudüddin) and especially his works named Unkud-Üz-Zevahir

fi Nazm-ül-Cevahir (Clustering

of Gems) are important. In addition, his comment

to Uluğ Brain Zic is one of his most important

writings. In addition, he has an encyclopedic

work called Mahbub-ül-Hamail fi Keşif-il-Mesail

(the most admired of talismans in the discovery

of issues). Ali Kuşçu has also dealt with poetry in

addition to all these Works.


The famous Turkish philosopher who based Islamic

philosophy in terms of method, terminology

and problems.

Fârâbî is a great scholar who has done important

studies in the field of Philosophy, Logic, Psychology,

Music, Chemistry, Mathematics and Medicine.

The real fame of Fârâbî comes from philosophy

and especially from philosophy’s bets on religion.

For the first time in the Islamic world, Fârâbî,

who established an eclectic system by adding

some elements from EfLâtun, to the philosophical

movement initiated by Kindî and the Meşşâî

movement formed by him, as well as some of

the theoretical, prophetic and spiritual culture,

which was the basis of his belief and culture.

This Turkish philosopher also dealt with political

philosophy and wrote a famous book known as

“ârâ” Ehli’l-Medîneti’l-Fâdıla “. In this book, he

explained a general State and how the president

of that State should be. Kitâbü’l-Mûsîkî, one of

the most important and original works of Fârâbî

in the history of science, became the basis of

his musical theories in Europe. Sources say that

Fârâbî invented the musical instrument called

“kanun(cither)” for the first time.

He emphasizes that there is a close resemblance

and close relationship between language and

logic. According to him, grammar is to give the

rules of speaking correctly and logic to think

correctly. If language is external speech, logic is

internal speech. However, while it contains the

rules of the language of a grammatical nation,


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