bl‹yografyası - Bibliyografyalar - Milli Kütüphane

bl‹yografyası - Bibliyografyalar - Milli Kütüphane

bl‹yografyası - Bibliyografyalar - Milli Kütüphane


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T Ü R K ‹ Y E M A K A L E L E R B ‹ B L ‹ Y O G R A F Y A S I<br />

cyanescens Boiss. & Bal. Seeds.<br />

G.U. Journal of Science 22(3)<br />

2009, 123-127. ss. ‹ng. özet.<br />

Bibliyografya<br />

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Bürün, Betül - Oral fiahin. In Vitro<br />

and in Vivo Germination of Cyclamen<br />

Alpinum Seeds. Turkish Journal of<br />

Botany 33(4) 2009, 277-283. ss.<br />

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1985 SB 237<br />

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New Records for the Turkish<br />

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Turkish Journal of Botany 33(4)<br />

2009, 311-321. ss. ‹ng. ve Türkçe<br />

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Oyelana, Olatunji A. - K. Olusola<br />

Ogunwenmo. Nuclear and Non-<br />

Nuclear Interactions in F1 Hybrid<br />

Populations of Three Solanum<br />

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Botany 33(4) 2009, 243-255. ss.<br />

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Gücel, Salih - Özcan<br />

Conservation Biology of<br />

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Ifl›lo¤lu. A New Gasteromycete Genus<br />

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Hamzao¤lu, Ergin - Ümit Budak -<br />

Ahmet Aksoy. A New Taxon of Senecio<br />

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