VOLKSWAGEN CO 2 EMİSYON SKANDALI / VOLKSWAGEN CO 2 EMISSION SCANDAL TDI Penetrasyonu TDI Penetration KRİZDEN SONRA DİZEL ARAÇ SATIŞINA İLİŞKİN TAHMİNLER DIESEL CARS SALE SCENARIOS AFTER THE CRISIS VOLKSWAGEN GRUBU ABD SATIŞLARINDA DİZELİN PAYI VOLKSWAGEN GROUP US SALES - DIESEL SHARE 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 İyimser Optimistic Baz Baseline AVRUPA: DİZEL - EN KÖTÜ SENARYO EUROPE: DIESEL - WORST CASE SCENARIO 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 En Kötü Dizel Senaryosu - Batı Avrupa’daki Araçlar Worst Case Diesel Forecast – W. Europe Cars Kötümser Pessimistic Yeni En Kötü Senaryo New Worst Scenario 6 milyon dizel araç daha ‘kayıp’ a further 6mn ‘lost’ diesel cars 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018 2022 • Kriz Öncesi En Kötü Senaryo • Dizel araç imajı zedelendi • Bazı alıcılar dizel araç almaktan vazgeçti Pre Crisis Worst Scenario • Diesel image slightly damaged • Some buyers avoid diesel Kriz Öncesi En Kötü Senaryo Pre Crisis Worst Scenario Yeni En Kötü Senaryo • Şirkete yönelik yaptırım kararları alındı • Dizel imajı ciddi oranda zedelendi • Birçok alıcı dizel araç almaktan vazgeçti New Worst Scenario • Regulators impose sanctions • Diesel image very damaged • Many buyers avoid diesel Kaynak: LMC Automotive European LV Diesel Forecast Diesel Share Includes Diesel Hybrid Source: LMC Automotive European LV Diesel Forecast Diesel Share Includes Diesel Hybrid How do you think the effect of this scandal would be for the future of the diesel engines? Definitely there will be a short-term negative impact in the US, and probably a long-term one as well. We particularly expect to see a long-term negative impact on the diesel share of passenger cars although the diesel light truck sector will be more robust. So the diesel LV mix in the US will shift more to the light truck (SUV, Van and pickup) sector. However, planned investment in the diesel light truck sector could also be at risk. Chrysler has had good success with diesel in the light duty pickup sector and GM/Ford was planning to enter this market in a bigger way. Those plans could change, but probably will not. Passenger car diesel sales in China are very small so we don’t see a big risk there. Korea could be affected if Volkswagen cheated on tests there. The only other large diesel passenger car market outside of Europe is India but emissions standards there are behind Europe and the US and we don’t expect the image of diesel to suffer there. Diesel share in India is influenced by product offerings and by fuel price more than by environmental concerns, despite intentions to improve air quality. What is the actual proportion for the diesel engines and what are your predictions for the future? See our latest diesel share data for Western Europe markets (we don’t have full September data yet) and scenarios for the outlook. Data for the countries that we have so far indicate that there may have been a fall in diesel share in the UK in September but other Western Europe markets for which we have data seem relatively unaffected. Of course, the diesel scandal story came near month-end so it is hard to draw conclusions from September numbers. Regarding the outlook, I don’t believe the worst case scenario is likely. There will be some backlash against diesel, but as I mention below, it is a vital tool for the industry to meet fuel efficiency targets and the investment in diesel engine production is €multi-billion including much recent investment in clean diesel engine capacity. More than 10mn diesel engines are produced in Europe annually - this will not change quickly. 22 KASIM 2015 SAYI 36 - NOVEMBER 2015 ISSUE 36

www.hazarworld.com Sizce bu durum elektrikli ve hibrit araçlar için bir fırsat olabilir mi? Avrupa’da dizel büyük kan kaybederse, karbondioksit hedeflerinin tutturulması için bu boşluğu dolduracak başka bir şeye ihtiyaç olacak. Benzinli motorlar bunu tek başına karşılayamayacağı için elektrikli motorlar gündeme gelebilir. Ancak sektörün dizel araçlardan elektrikli araçlara hemen geçiş yapması mümkün değil. Her ne kadar bu düşüşün öngördüğümüzden daha kötü olma ihtimali bulunsa da, dizelin Avrupa’da uzun bir süre varlığını koruyacağını düşünüyorum. Skandalın dizel üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendirebilmek için Volkswagen skandalından sonraki verileri elde ettiğimizde baz dizel tahminimizi revize edeceğiz. Tüm olasılıklar göz önüne alındığında, bu olayın elektrikli ve hibrit araçlar üzerinde olumlu etkiye sahip olacağını düşünüyoruz. Belki bu alanda bir “patlama” yaratmayabilir ancak yine de teknolojinin desteklenmesi adına paydaşlar için güzel bir fırsat olacaktır. İlerleyen zamanlarda yılda iki kez yayınladığımız Küresel Hibrit ve Elektrikli Araç Tahminimizi güncelleyeceğiz. SKANDAL, ELEKTRIKLI VE HIBRIT ARAÇLAR ÜZERINDE OLUMLU ETKIYE SAHIP OLACAK. THIS SCANDAL EPISODE HAS TO BE POSITIVE FOR HYBRIDS AND EVs. Do you believe that this could be an opportunity for the electric and hybrid cars? If diesel falls significantly in Europe, then something will have to fill the vacuum in order for CO2 targets to be met. Gasoline engines won’t be able to do this alone so that would imply more electrification. However, it will not be possible for the industry to switch quickly from diesel to electric vehicles. Hence I think that diesel will survive in Europe for a significant time, although the decline that we predict will probably be a bit steeper. We will revise our base case diesel forecast when we have post-VW scandal diesel sales data from which we can judge the impact on diesel confidence. On balance, this whole episode has to be positive for hybrids and EVs. Even if it isn’t the start of a ‘boom’ it is a good opportunity for stakeholders to promote the technology. Later in the year we will update our twice annual Global Hybrid & EV Forecast. HAZAR WORLD 23




TDI Penetrasyonu TDI Penetration<br />








20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

2012 2013 2014 <strong>2015</strong> 2016 2017<br />

İyimser<br />

Optimistic<br />

Baz<br />

Baseline<br />



60<br />

55<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

En Kötü Dizel Senaryosu - Batı Avrupa’daki Araçlar<br />

Worst Case Diesel Forecast – W. Europe Cars<br />

Kötümser<br />

Pessimistic<br />

Yeni En Kötü Senaryo<br />

New Worst Scenario<br />

6 milyon dizel<br />

araç daha ‘kayıp’<br />

a further 6mn ‘lost’<br />

diesel cars<br />

2002 2006 2010 2014 2018 2022<br />

• Kriz Öncesi En Kötü Senaryo<br />

• Dizel araç imajı zedelendi<br />

• Bazı alıcılar dizel araç almaktan vazgeçti<br />

Pre Crisis Worst Scenario<br />

• Diesel image slightly damaged<br />

• Some buyers avoid diesel<br />

Kriz Öncesi En Kötü Senaryo<br />

Pre Crisis Worst Scenario<br />

Yeni En Kötü Senaryo<br />

• Şirkete yönelik yaptırım kararları alındı<br />

• Dizel imajı ciddi oranda zedelendi<br />

• Birçok alıcı dizel araç almaktan vazgeçti<br />

New Worst Scenario<br />

• Regulators impose sanctions<br />

• Diesel image very damaged<br />

• Many buyers avoid diesel<br />

Kaynak: LMC Automotive European LV Diesel Forecast Diesel Share Includes Diesel Hybrid<br />

Source: LMC Automotive European LV Diesel Forecast Diesel Share Includes Diesel Hybrid<br />

How do you think the effect of this<br />

scandal would be for the future of the<br />

diesel engines?<br />

Definitely there will be a short-term<br />

negative impact in the US, and probably<br />

a long-term one as well. We particularly<br />

expect to see a long-term negative impact<br />

on the diesel share of passenger cars although<br />

the diesel light truck sector will be<br />

more robust. So the diesel LV mix in the<br />

US will shift more to the light truck (SUV,<br />

Van and pickup) sector. However, planned<br />

investment in the diesel light truck sector<br />

could also be at risk. Chrysler has had<br />

good success with diesel in the light duty<br />

pickup sector and GM/Ford was planning<br />

to enter this market in a bigger way. Those<br />

plans could change, but probably will not.<br />

Passenger car diesel sales in China are<br />

very small so we don’t see a big risk there.<br />

Korea could be affected if Volkswagen<br />

cheated on tests there. The only other<br />

large diesel passenger car market outside<br />

of Europe is India but emissions standards<br />

there are behind Europe and the<br />

US and we don’t expect the image of diesel<br />

to suffer there. Diesel share in India is<br />

influenced by product offerings and by<br />

fuel price more than by environmental<br />

concerns, despite intentions to improve<br />

air quality.<br />

What is the actual proportion for the<br />

diesel engines and what are your predictions<br />

for the future?<br />

See our latest diesel share data for Western<br />

Europe markets (we don’t have full<br />

September data yet) and scenarios for<br />

the outlook. Data for the countries that<br />

we have so far indicate that there may<br />

have been a fall in diesel share in the UK<br />

in September but other Western Europe<br />

markets for which we have data seem<br />

relatively unaffected. Of course, the diesel<br />

scandal story came near month-end so it<br />

is hard to draw conclusions from September<br />

numbers.<br />

Regarding the outlook, I don’t believe the<br />

worst case scenario is likely. There will<br />

be some backlash against diesel, but as<br />

I mention below, it is a vital tool for the<br />

industry to meet fuel efficiency targets<br />

and the investment in diesel engine production<br />

is €multi-billion including much<br />

recent investment in clean diesel engine<br />

capacity. More than 10mn diesel engines<br />

are produced in Europe annually - this<br />

will not change quickly.<br />

22 <strong>KASIM</strong> <strong>2015</strong> <strong>SAYI</strong> <strong>36</strong> - NOVEMBER <strong>2015</strong> ISSUE <strong>36</strong>

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