EN - FR - Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and Turkey 3

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184 Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and TurkeyThe trade patterns and the terms of trade effects reported above indicatesthat it is beneficial for Turkey to develop closer partnership with Africa. Therefore,it is imperative at this point to draw attention to the perilous and toxicdiscourse of Afro-pessimism which might damage mutually beneficial affiliations.Turkey entering into a new era of improved relations with the Africancontinent needs to properly explain her own history of anti-colonialism andunderstand African experience properly but not through the arrogant prism ofAfro-pessimism but through objective and scientific studies. This paper can beconsider successful if it provides one step towards that direction.BibliographyAkyüz Y›lmaz and Charles Gore (2001) “African Economic developmentin A Comparative Perspective”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, No: 25, pp.265 – 288.Arrighi Giovanni (2002), “The African Crisis, World Systemic and RegionalAspects”, New Left Review, No: 15, May – June, 2002, pp. 5 – 36.Azam Jean Paul, Augustine Fosu and Njuguna S. Ndung’u (2002), ExplainingSlow Growth in Africa, African Development Bank (ADB), Oxford:Blackwell Publishers.Birikim (2003), Afrika: Ayn›m›z, Aynam›z, (Africa: Our Twin, Our Mirror),Kas›m – Aral›k, No: 175-176, ‹stanbul: Birikim Yay›nlar›.Collier Paul and Jan Willem Gunning (1999), “Why Has Africa GrownSlowly”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 13, Issue 3, pp. 3 – 22.Commission For Africa (2005), Our Common Interest, (Report of theCommission for Africa)Çak›ro¤lu Perihan (2005), “Güney Afrikal› Türk Lokumunu Çok Sever”(South African Loves Turkish Delight), Referans, (15.10.2005).Kara Mehmet (2005), “Türkiye Tarihi Misyonunu Üstlenmeli”, (TurkeyOught to Shoulder Her Historical Mission), Yeni Asya, (09.05.2005)Karshenas Massoud (1998), Capital Accumulation and Agricultural Surplusin sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, UNCTAD, Working Paper, Geneva.K›rbafll› Ömür (2005), “Türkiye Afrika’ya ‹hracat Kap›s›n› M›s›r’la Açacak”,(Turkey Will Open Export Door to Africa From Egypt), Hürriyet,(17.03.2005),

The New Turkish-African Economic Relations 185K›vanç Ümit (1979), Afrika Boynuzu’nda Ne Oldu?, (What Happened inthe Horn of Africa?), ‹stanbul: Birikim Yay›nlar›.Mold Andrew (2005), Africa’s ‘Last Chance’? Reflections on the Commissionfor Africa and the Millenium Project Reports, Madrid: Real InstitutoElcano, Working Paper No: 42/2005.Sabah (2005), “Afrika’ya 10 Milyar Dolar ‹hracat Hedefleniyor”, (ExportsTargeted to be $10 bn.), (14.06.2005).Sender John (1999) “Africa’s Economic Performance: Limitations of theCurrent Consensus”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 13, Issue 3,pp. 89 – 114.Sender John, Cramer Chris, Oya Carlos (2005), Unequal Prospects: Disparitiesin the Quantity and Quality of Labour Supply in sub-Saharan Africa,The World Bank, Washington D.C.: Social Protection Discussion Paper No.0525.T.C. Baflbakanl›k, D›fl Ticaret Müsteflarl›¤› (2004), ‹hracat 2004 – 2006Stratejik ‹hracat Plan›, Ankara, p. 49.T.C. Baflbakanl›k, D›fl Ticaret Müsteflarl›¤› (2005, Turkey’s Foreign Trade1990 – 2004, Main Developments in Turkey’s Foreign Trade, Ankara.Thandika Mkanwadire (2001), “Thinking About Developmental States inAfrica”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, No. 25, pp. 289 – 313.The Guardian (26.08.2004), “Thatcher and The Very African Coup”, JamieWilson, David Pallister and Paul Lashmar.T‹KA (Undated), Sahra-alt› Afrika Ülkeleri Raporu, (Sub-Saharan AfricanCountries Report) T.C. Baflbakanl›k, Türk ‹flbirli¤i ve Kalk›nma ‹daresiBaflkanl›¤› (Republic of Turkey, Prime Ministry, Turkish Co-operation andDevelopment Administration), Ankara.Topuz H›fz›, (1970), Kara Afrika, (Dark Africa), ‹stanbul: Remzi.Topuz H›fz›, (1987), Lumumba, ‹stanbul: Remzi.Topuz H›fz›, (2005), Elveda Afrika, Hoflçakal Paris, (Audieu Africa, GoodBye Paris), ‹stanbul: Remzi.UNCTAD (2003), Economic Development in Africa, Trade Performanceand Commodity Dependence, UN: New York, Geneva, p. 84.UNCTAD (2005), Economic Development in Africa, Re-thinking the Ro-

The New Turkish-<strong>Africa</strong>n Economic Relations 185K›vanç Ümit (1979), <strong>Afrika</strong> Boynuzu’nda Ne Oldu?, (What Happened inthe Horn of <strong>Africa</strong>?), ‹stanbul: Birikim Yay›nlar›.Mold Andrew (2005), <strong>Africa</strong>’s ‘Last Chance’? Reflections on the Commissionfor <strong>Africa</strong> <strong>and</strong> the Millenium Project Reports, Madrid: Real InstitutoElcano, Working Paper No: 42/2005.Sabah (2005), “<strong>Afrika</strong>’ya 10 Milyar Dolar ‹hracat Hedefleniyor”, (ExportsTargeted to be $10 bn.), (14.06.2005).Sender John (1999) “<strong>Africa</strong>’s Economic Performance: Limitations of theCurrent Consensus”, The Journal of Economic Perspecti<strong>ve</strong>s, Vol. 13, Issue 3,pp. 89 – 114.Sender John, Cramer Chris, Oya Carlos (2005), Unequal Prospects: Disparitiesin the Quantity <strong>and</strong> Quality of Labour Supply in sub-Saharan <strong>Africa</strong>,The World Bank, Washington D.C.: Social Protection Discussion Paper No.0525.T.C. Baflbakanl›k, D›fl Ticaret Müsteflarl›¤› (2004), ‹hracat 2004 – 2006Stratejik ‹hracat Plan›, Ankara, p. 49.T.C. Baflbakanl›k, D›fl Ticaret Müsteflarl›¤› (2005, <strong>Turkey</strong>’s Foreign Trade1990 – 2004, Main De<strong>ve</strong>lopments in <strong>Turkey</strong>’s Foreign Trade, Ankara.Th<strong>and</strong>ika Mkanwadire (2001), “Thinking About De<strong>ve</strong>lopmental States in<strong>Africa</strong>”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, No. 25, pp. 289 – 313.The Guardian (26.08.2004), “Thatcher <strong>and</strong> The Very <strong>Africa</strong>n Coup”, JamieWilson, David Pallister <strong>and</strong> Paul Lashmar.T‹KA (Undated), Sahra-alt› <strong>Afrika</strong> Ülkeleri Raporu, (Sub-Saharan <strong>Africa</strong>nCountries Report) T.C. Baflbakanl›k, Türk ‹flbirli¤i <strong>ve</strong> Kalk›nma ‹daresiBaflkanl›¤› (Republic of <strong>Turkey</strong>, Prime Ministry, Turkish Co-operation <strong>and</strong>De<strong>ve</strong>lopment Administration), Ankara.Topuz H›fz›, (1970), Kara <strong>Afrika</strong>, (Dark <strong>Africa</strong>), ‹stanbul: Remzi.Topuz H›fz›, (1987), Lumumba, ‹stanbul: Remzi.Topuz H›fz›, (2005), El<strong>ve</strong>da <strong>Afrika</strong>, Hoflçakal Paris, (Audieu <strong>Africa</strong>, GoodBye Paris), ‹stanbul: Remzi.UNCTAD (2003), Economic De<strong>ve</strong>lopment in <strong>Africa</strong>, Trade Performance<strong>and</strong> Commodity Dependence, UN: New York, Geneva, p. 84.UNCTAD (2005), Economic De<strong>ve</strong>lopment in <strong>Africa</strong>, Re-thinking the Ro-

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