EN - FR - Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and Turkey 3

EN - FR - Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and Turkey 3 EN - FR - Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and Turkey 3

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268 Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and TurkeyNotes*Prepared for the 1 st International Turkish-African Congress, organized by TurkishAsian Center for Strategic Studies (TACSS), held in Istanbul, Turkey, 23 rd -24 thNovember 2005.1In 1963 he was to pint out that “…The nation states we have inherited are inadequateorgans for the development of the full potential of Africa. Indeed, in many casesthe present nations are so small or weak that they are in constant danger of the moresubtle forms of domination which are generally referred to as neo-colonialism. Somenational governments of Africa can only fulfill the minimum functions of governmentif they receive subsidies from outside their borders. Under such circumstances completefreedom is difficult to maintain for any length of time. Furthermore, a weaknessof this type affects not only the country immediately concerned, it affects also herneighbors and all the other countries of Africa. No one of us is safe if any of us getsinvolved in the Cold War between East and West, or any otherworld conflicts which areirrelevant to our own problems.“African unity is essential to the continent as a whole and to every part of it.Politically we have inherited boundaries which are either unclear or such ethnographicaland geographical nonsense that they are fruitful source disagreements. And suchdisagreements, if allowed to develop, would lead to a waste of scarce resources in thebuilding up of national armies…..” (Nyerere 1969: 212)Again: “Further, many of the different African countries produce, or could produce,the same kind of primary products or raw materials. We sell in competition with eachother, often to the same major consumer. Thus we are all in a desperately weak bargainingposition and the triumph of one nation is frequently the at the expense of another.Individual attempts to rectify national economic imbalance frequently worsens theposition of another African country, and weakens Africa as a whole in relation to theindustrial areas of the world. Also in the process of diversification and the attempt tobuild our economies, we are each of us competing against the other for small amountsof available outside capital investment and economic aid. Our competition in thisrespect again makes it easy for one of us to be played up against the other, and the needfor each African state taken individually makes that state vulnerable to offers of assistancewhich have explicit or implicit conditions attached. Through these means differentAfrican states are in danger of being involved on opposite sides in quarrels whichdo not concern them. If there were real African unity moral blackmail would be impossible.”(ibid: 213)2These were: Catholic Relief Services, Church World Service, American FriendsService Committee, Lutheran World Relief, Monnonite Central Committee andAmerican Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

Foreign Aid and Africa’s Development 2693Walt Witman Rostow’s ‘Stages of Growth’ and his metaphor of ‘traditional’ societiesof ‘taking-off’ to ‘modern’ ones—like an aeroplane was the best summation ofthis conception.4Rip Van Winkle is a Dutch hero in a story under the same title by WashingtonIrving. Van Winkle drunk liquor in a strange company, and fell asleep and did notawake for twenty years!

Foreign Aid <strong>and</strong> <strong>Africa</strong>’s De<strong>ve</strong>lopment 2693Walt Witman Rostow’s ‘Stages of Growth’ <strong>and</strong> his metaphor of ‘traditional’ societiesof ‘taking-off’ to ‘modern’ ones—like an aeroplane was the best summation ofthis conception.4Rip Van Winkle is a Dutch hero in a story under the same title by WashingtonIrving. Van Winkle drunk liquor in a strange company, <strong>and</strong> fell asleep <strong>and</strong> did notawake for twenty years!

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