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266 Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and Turkeygender balance, facilitation, entrepreneurship, etc. There are estimates thatsome 70 percent of all aid money raised usually goes to financing NGOs’administration—cars, salaries, equipment and the all important workshops andseminars. ActinAid infuriated the British government when it pointed out thatconsultants and western companies benefited to the tune of 60 percent forevery STG 1 intended to go towards eradicating poverty. The World Bankadmitted recently that consultants were taking USD 20 billion from global aidbudgets, besides the fact that a lot more money is paid to the expatriates whoare provided with jobs in areas that local expertise exist.Aid cannot assist in the development of Africa. What Africa needs is arenewal of the project of collective self-reliance, and work harder on the unificationof the continent. Aid, in all its forms is basically working towards furtherbalkanization of the continent, through competition among countries towoe aid and foreign investors. Since 1960, Sub-Saharan Africa has receivednearly USD 500 billion in aid, yet the region has become poorer in the pastseveral decades. In today’s dollars, that aid initiative disbursed roughlyUSD100 billion over the course of four years after World War II. Africa thushas already received the equivalent of about five Marshall Plans. In that case,the call for debt relief, more aid and a new Marshall Plan is misplaced, underthe current corrupt international aid regime which is working towards thefacilitation of more exploitation of Africa’s labour, natural resources and rawmaterials, rather than industrialization and revolutionization of agriculture.BibliographyAnorld, Guy (1979): Aid in Africa, Kogan Page Ltd, London.Berg, E.L. (Co-ordinator) (1993) Rethinking Technical Co-operation:Reforms for Capacity Building in Africa, United Nations DevelopmentProgramme, New York.Bond, Patrick (ed) (2002): Fanon’s Warning: A Civil Society Reader onthe New Partnership for Africa’s Development, African World Press, Inc,Trento, New Jersey.Chachage, C.S.L. (2000): Environment, Aid and Politics in Zanzibar, Dares Salaam University Press, Dar es Salaam.Fanon, Frantz (2001): The Wretched of the Earth, Penguin Books,London.Finland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1993): Finland’s Development Cooperationin the 1990s: Strategic Goals and Means, FINNIDA, Helsinki.

Foreign Aid and Africa’s Development 267Hancock, Graham (1989): Lords of Poverty: The Power, Prestige, andCorruption of the International Aid Business, The Atlantic Monthly Press,New York.Hertz, Noreena (2001): The silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and theDeath of Democracy, Arrow Books, London.Kalyalya, D. et al (1988): Aid and Development in Southern Africa:Evaluating a Participatory Learning Process, Africa World Press Inc, NewJersey.Klitgaard, Robert (1991): Tropical Gangsters, Tauris, London.Kristol, Irving (1975): “The ‘New Cold War’”, Wall Street Journal, July17, 1975.Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1993): Finland’s Development Co-operationin the 1990s: Strategic Goals and Means, FINNIDA, Helsinki.Mosley, P (1987): Overseas Aid: Its Defense and Reform, WheatsheafBooks Ltd, Sussex.Nyerere, J.K. (1969): Freedom and Unity/Uhuru na Umoja, OxfordUniversity Press, Dar es Salaam.Organization of African Unity (1980): Lagos Plan of Action, AddisAbaba.Pieterse, Jan Nederveen (1997): “Equity and Growth Revisited: ASupply-Side Approach to Deevelopment”, European Journal ForDevelopment Research, No 4.Rugumamu, S.M. (1997): Lethal Aid: The Illusion of Socialism and SelfReliance in Tanzania, African World Press, Trenton.Spybey, Tony (1992): Social Change, Development and Dependency,Politity Press, Worcester.Tomasevski, Katarina (1989): Development Aid and Human Rights,Pinter Publishers, London.Watkins, Kevin (1994): “Aid Under threat”, Review of African PoliticalEconomy, No 66.Zeleza, P.T. (1997): Manufacturing African Studies and Crises,CODESRIA, Dakar.

Foreign Aid <strong>and</strong> <strong>Africa</strong>’s De<strong>ve</strong>lopment 267Hancock, Graham (1989): Lords of Po<strong>ve</strong>rty: The Power, Prestige, <strong>and</strong>Corruption of the International Aid Business, The Atlantic Monthly Press,New York.Hertz, Noreena (2001): The silent Takeo<strong>ve</strong>r: Global Capitalism <strong>and</strong> theDeath of Democracy, Arrow Books, London.Kalyalya, D. et al (1988): Aid <strong>and</strong> De<strong>ve</strong>lopment in Southern <strong>Africa</strong>:Evaluating a Participatory Learning Process, <strong>Africa</strong> World Press Inc, NewJersey.Klitgaard, Robert (1991): Tropical Gangsters, Tauris, London.Kristol, Irving (1975): “The ‘New Cold War’”, Wall Street Journal, July17, 1975.Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1993): Finl<strong>and</strong>’s De<strong>ve</strong>lopment Co-operationin the 1990s: Strategic Goals <strong>and</strong> Means, FINNIDA, Helsinki.Mosley, P (1987): O<strong>ve</strong>rseas Aid: Its Defense <strong>and</strong> Reform, WheatsheafBooks Ltd, Sussex.Nyerere, J.K. (1969): Freedom <strong>and</strong> Unity/Uhuru na Umoja, OxfordUni<strong>ve</strong>rsity Press, Dar es Salaam.Organization of <strong>Africa</strong>n Unity (1980): Lagos Plan of Action, AddisAbaba.Pieterse, Jan Neder<strong>ve</strong>en (1997): “Equity <strong>and</strong> Growth Revisited: ASupply-Side Approach to Dee<strong>ve</strong>lopment”, European Journal ForDe<strong>ve</strong>lopment Research, No 4.Rugumamu, S.M. (1997): Lethal Aid: The Illusion of Socialism <strong>and</strong> SelfReliance in Tanzania, <strong>Africa</strong>n World Press, Trenton.Spybey, Tony (1992): Social Change, De<strong>ve</strong>lopment <strong>and</strong> Dependency,Politity Press, Worcester.Tomasevski, Katarina (1989): De<strong>ve</strong>lopment Aid <strong>and</strong> Human Rights,Pinter Publishers, London.Watkins, Kevin (1994): “Aid Under threat”, Review of <strong>Africa</strong>n PoliticalEconomy, No 66.Zeleza, P.T. (1997): Manufacturing <strong>Africa</strong>n Studies <strong>and</strong> Crises,CODESRIA, Dakar.

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