EN - FR - Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and Turkey 3

EN - FR - Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and Turkey 3 EN - FR - Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and Turkey 3

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218 Yükselen Afrika ve Türkiye / Rising Africa and TurkeyCommission’s poverty reduction initiatives. In order realistically maximizethe impact of aid on development in Africa; these efforts require policy coherencein reforms of trade regimes. Farm production in many economies hasbeen affected by export subsidies, tariff peaks and escalation.Ending the poverty trap in Africa will require a comprehensive strategyfor public investment and improved governance. Special consideration has tobe given to issues of gender equality and social and economic status ofwomen. Women in Africa continue to carry a triple burden of production offood, processing and preservation using traditional methods (most times withlittle or no access to technology that minimizes drudgery). They are alsoresponsible for family’s welfare including taking care of the sick and with theadvent of AIDS in households and communities, women’s roles in care-givinghas become central and indispensable. As Africa is left behind the developmentpendulum, technology and innovation, when introduced continue toexclude women and the role of African women to fetch fuel-wood, portablewater for the family and many other errands that require drudgery make thewomen of Africa the central locus of its development. Support in developmentassistance and aid to the continent should and must be directed at policies thatare gender equal and women inclusive if the development and peace dividendis make any mark for Africa’s future developmentAccording to the UNDP Development Effectiveness Report, 2003, moreaid ODA goes to policy and administrative management than to education,health, population, water and sanitation combined. Prospects for meeting theMillenium Development Goals depend not just on more aid, but more oneffective aid as well. It also advocates for ODA that works towards enhancingdevelopment effectiveness only when it recognizes the obstacles to development-onlywhen it is better targeted and used to address the gaps in a country’scapacity, ownership and policy environment.Aid governance continues to present critical management challenges onthe part of donors as well as the recipient countries. It also exhibits duality ofperceptions. Needless to say the issue of improving ownership of aid needs tobe enhanced. However, this has to be accompanied by improved coordinationof aid, targeting of aid to policies and programmes that have the potential todeal with income and human poverty, as well as to improve the livelihoods andincomes of the people in recipient countries. In order to enhance better aidgovernance, the aid package needs to respond to the needs, and be flexibleenough to allow both parties to cater for the evolving demands and emergingneeds that the aid policies are designed to meet. Various country led initiativesfor aid coordination are now becoming the rule rather than the exception. For

The Role and Effeciency of Foreign Aid in Africa’s Development 219expediency human and institutional capacity demands including pooling ofneeded resources for targeted sectors often have the potential meet economiesof scale in the management of aid, in addition to reducing the cost of aid. Someof the initiatives implemented in Southern Africa, by the some donors notablythe Nordic Countries particularly Norway and Sweden have the potential toreduce transaction costs, enhance ownership and realize the intended objectives.United Nations, has as a matter of policy introduced at the country levelthe Common Country assessments and UN Development Frameworks thatseek to coordinate its development support and enhance coherence at thecountry level. The DAC group has built also regular in country dialogue tofoster more coordination.In conclusion improving the quality of aid, timely flow of aid resourcesand clear design of policies and programmes to human development, as wellas clear monitoring of aid through coordinated guidelines, continue to providethe best measure for aid effectiveness and efficiency.References1. Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the MillenniumDevelopment Goals: Millennium Project 2005 Report to the UN Secretary-General.2. Population Challenges and Development Goals, UN Economic andSocial Affairs.3. Declaration and Programme of Action for the Least DevelopedCountries for the Decade 2001-2010.4. Special Report: World Innovative Approaches to Peace – APublication of the Interreligious and International Federation for World PeacetheUN at 60 Challenge and Change.5. Hoping and Coping: A Call for Action: The Capacity Challenge ofHIV/AIDS in Least Developed countries by UNDP/UN-OHRLLS.6. Development Effectiveness Report 2003: Partnerships for Results, byUNDP.7. New Partnership for Africa’s Development: Second ConsolidatedReport on Progress in implementation and International Support Report of theUN Secretary-General to the UN 59the session of the UN General Assembly.8. Business Day Africa January 24, 2005, Is this the real deal for a newAfrica?

The Role <strong>and</strong> Effeciency of Foreign Aid in <strong>Africa</strong>’s De<strong>ve</strong>lopment 219expediency human <strong>and</strong> institutional capacity dem<strong>and</strong>s including pooling ofneeded resources for targeted sectors often ha<strong>ve</strong> the potential meet economiesof scale in the management of aid, in addition to reducing the cost of aid. Someof the initiati<strong>ve</strong>s implemented in Southern <strong>Africa</strong>, by the some donors notablythe Nordic Countries particularly Norway <strong>and</strong> Sweden ha<strong>ve</strong> the potential toreduce transaction costs, enhance ownership <strong>and</strong> realize the intended objecti<strong>ve</strong>s.United Nations, has as a matter of policy introduced at the country le<strong>ve</strong>lthe Common Country assessments <strong>and</strong> UN De<strong>ve</strong>lopment Frameworks thatseek to coordinate its de<strong>ve</strong>lopment support <strong>and</strong> enhance coherence at thecountry le<strong>ve</strong>l. The DAC group has built also regular in country dialogue tofoster more coordination.In conclusion improving the quality of aid, timely flow of aid resources<strong>and</strong> clear design of policies <strong>and</strong> programmes to human de<strong>ve</strong>lopment, as wellas clear monitoring of aid through coordinated guidelines, continue to providethe best measure for aid effecti<strong>ve</strong>ness <strong>and</strong> efficiency.References1. In<strong>ve</strong>sting in De<strong>ve</strong>lopment: A Practical Plan to Achie<strong>ve</strong> the MillenniumDe<strong>ve</strong>lopment Goals: Millennium Project 2005 Report to the UN Secretary-General.2. Population Challenges <strong>and</strong> De<strong>ve</strong>lopment Goals, UN Economic <strong>and</strong>Social Affairs.3. Declaration <strong>and</strong> Programme of Action for the Least De<strong>ve</strong>lopedCountries for the Decade 2001-2010.4. Special Report: World Innovati<strong>ve</strong> Approaches to Peace – APublication of the Interreligious <strong>and</strong> International Federation for World PeacetheUN at 60 Challenge <strong>and</strong> Change.5. Hoping <strong>and</strong> Coping: A Call for Action: The Capacity Challenge ofHIV/AIDS in Least De<strong>ve</strong>loped countries by UNDP/UN-OHRLLS.6. De<strong>ve</strong>lopment Effecti<strong>ve</strong>ness Report 2003: Partnerships for Results, byUNDP.7. New Partnership for <strong>Africa</strong>’s De<strong>ve</strong>lopment: Second ConsolidatedReport on Progress in implementation <strong>and</strong> International Support Report of theUN Secretary-General to the UN 59the session of the UN General Assembly.8. Business Day <strong>Africa</strong> January 24, 2005, Is this the real deal for a new<strong>Africa</strong>?

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