--KAPAK ARAÞTIRMA kopya - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

--KAPAK ARAÞTIRMA kopya - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

--KAPAK ARAÞTIRMA kopya - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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The connection of this presumed temple (sector 33), the open space to its west<br />

(within sectors 25, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33) and the large ashlar building bounding this open<br />

area to the north (sectors 25, 26), seems to point toward the presence of a previously<br />

unknown monumental focus of the urban area, whereby the open space may ha<strong>ve</strong><br />

functioned as a kind of third agora and the monumental, internally subdivided building<br />

to its north, may ha<strong>ve</strong> performed a storage function. The fact that the road, giving access<br />

to the town from the southeast, must ha<strong>ve</strong> passed just to the south of this presumed<br />

public area, may explain the presence of civic and monumental constructions at<br />

this remote location.<br />

With respect to the finds, this monumental area yielded a significant concentration<br />

of dolium sherds, all of which were found in the sectors within or just south of the<br />

presumed agora. These finds may comply with the presumed storage function of the<br />

monumental building, on the condition that the chronology of the pottery would match<br />

the time of use of this construction.<br />

Remarkably the sur<strong>ve</strong>y of the area of the presumed storage building and the<br />

northern part of the supposed agora yielded a large amount of both plain limestone tesserae<br />

belonging to a mosaic in opus tesselatum, as well as se<strong>ve</strong>ral tesserae of colourful<br />

glass paste, belonging to a mosaic, partially (?), in the more luxurious opus <strong>ve</strong>rmiculatum.<br />

In addition, also fragments of marble wall <strong>ve</strong>neer were found in sectors 30<br />

and 31. Although recent cultivation of this area may ha<strong>ve</strong> resulted in a better representation<br />

of the finds, this evidence clearly points to a rich furnishing of whate<strong>ve</strong>r construction<br />

once occupied the upper part of the large building, opening towards a terrace<br />

at a higher le<strong>ve</strong>l in the tradition of the Hellenistic ‘market buildings’. Future analysis of<br />

the pottery evidence will undoubtedly add more information to the internal chronology<br />

of the use or possible later re-use of the constructions here.<br />

The area co<strong>ve</strong>red during the 2003 sur<strong>ve</strong>y connected the north-western residential<br />

area of the town (2001 sur<strong>ve</strong>y campaign) with the sepulchral/artisanal area which<br />

was co<strong>ve</strong>red to the south of the late fortification wall during the urban sur<strong>ve</strong>y of the<br />

2000 campaign. South of the presumed agora and west of the «Southwest Temple»,<br />

evidence was found to further confirm the identification of this area as a sepulchral/ artisanal<br />

quarter.<br />

Within and to the west of sector 24, northwest of the «Southwest Temple» and<br />

outside of the previously walled area, the decorated architectural elements were found<br />

of a monumental tomb, likely of middle Imperial date. One of these blocks belonged to<br />

the gable of the monument and was decorated with a Triton. Few sepulchral remains<br />

were also found within the walled -residential-area. These elements, howe<strong>ve</strong>r, were<br />

clearly not in situ and were likely reused here as building blocks, possibly in late antiquity.<br />

The most important disco<strong>ve</strong>ries were a lid of a sepulchral urn with lotus moti<strong>ve</strong>,<br />

a type previously unknown at Sagalassos, and a block with the nicely car<strong>ve</strong>d decoration<br />

of a laurel-wreath, which may ha<strong>ve</strong> belonged to a monumental tomb or commemorati<strong>ve</strong><br />

monument.<br />

The presumed artisanal function of the area south of the presumed new agora<br />

was also supported by the collection of relati<strong>ve</strong> concentrations of metal slag in the order<br />

of 1 to 5 pieces per square, but with the disco<strong>ve</strong>ry of waste products related to metal<br />

working activity or smiting. In the mean time, analysis of soil samples, showing high<br />

concentrations of heavy metal pollution, do also confirm this hypothesis (Fig. 7).<br />

I.a.3. Conclusions<br />

The 2003 sur<strong>ve</strong>y confirmed the function of the entire western part of the town<br />

enclosed within the late wall, as a residential area. Although topographically the lower<br />

part of this area, which was situated in a valley, would not seem to contain the most<br />

prestigious houses, the finds testify that especially the southeastern part of the sur<strong>ve</strong>yed<br />

area may ha<strong>ve</strong> contained houses of a more luxurious status. As opposed to the<br />


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