--KAPAK ARAÞTIRMA kopya - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

--KAPAK ARAÞTIRMA kopya - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

--KAPAK ARAÞTIRMA kopya - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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After the Second World War many scholars ha<strong>ve</strong> devoted themsel<strong>ve</strong>s to the<br />

study of Constantinople sculpture: among them I like to mention especially: A. Grabar<br />

14, the late N. Fıratlı 15 and R. M. Harrison 16 and also Chr. Strube 17, J. P. Sodini 18,<br />

U. Peschlow 19, J. Kramer 20, Cl. Barsant 21 and Th. Zollt 22, besides, of course, Deichmann<br />

23. But, anyway, there is still much to be studied in depth in this field.<br />

Today I want to recall the most important, most revolutionary episode of the glorious<br />

artistic life of the Capital: St Polyeukto’s Church rebuilt by Anicia Iuliana probably<br />

between 524 and 527 A.D. and found in 1960 in the Saraçhane district 24. It is already<br />

been obser<strong>ve</strong>d that there are traces of the Iranian elements in the sculptures of the<br />

church 25, but the prevailing trend nowadays is to consider the figured textiles as the<br />

only one link of the innovations introduced by St Polyeuktos. A large part of scholars<br />

has tried to consider St Polyeuktos’ simply as an episode where a mixed and heterodox<br />

kind of decoration would ha<strong>ve</strong> been soon reabsorbed with the churches of the Ss<br />

Serge and Bacchus (finished in 526 A.D.) and with St Sophia (532-537 A.D.). At the same<br />

time the innovations in St Polyeuktos’ decoration ha<strong>ve</strong> been played down trying to<br />

search its precedents and using appropriate chronological reconstructions and interpretations.<br />

Howe<strong>ve</strong>r, in spite of all the efforts made, there ha<strong>ve</strong> not been found any exp-<br />

14 A. Grabar, Sculptures byzantines de Constantinople (IV e -X e siècle), Paris 1963; Sculptures byzantines du moyen âge<br />

(XI e -XIV e siècle), Paris 1976.<br />

15 N. Fıratlı, A Short Guide to the Byzantine Works of Art in the Archaeological Museum of ‹stanbul, İstanbul 1955; La<br />

sculpture byzantine figurée au Musée Archéologique d’‹stanbul, Paris 1990.<br />

16 R.M. Harrison, in Akten des VII. Internationalen Kongresses für Christliche Archäologie (Trier, 5.-11. September<br />

1965), Città del Vaticano 1969, pp. 543-549; DOP, 27 (1973), pp. 297-300; Excavations at Saraçhane in ‹stanbul, I,<br />

Princeton 1986; A Temple for Byzantium. The Disco<strong>ve</strong>ry and Excavations of Anicia Juliana’s Palace-Church in ‹stanbul,<br />

London 1989.<br />

17Chr. Strube, JbAChr, 26 (1983), pp. 59-106; Polyeuktoskirche und Hagia Sophia. Umbildung und Auflösung antiker<br />

Formen, Entstehen des Kämpferkapitells, München 1984.<br />

18 J. P. Sodini, BCH, 100 (1976), pp. 493-510; BCH, 101 (1977), pp. 423-450 and 471-511; Ktema, 4 (1979), pp. 71-78;<br />

in Rayonnement grec. Hommages à Charles Delvoye, Bruxelles 1982, pp. 325-340; in Actes du X e Congrès international<br />

d’archéologie chrétienne (Thessalonique, 28 septembre – 4 octobre 1980), I, Città del Vaticano 1984, pp. 207-<br />

298; in J.P. Sodini – K. Kolokotsas, Aliki, 2: La basilique double, Paris 1984, pp. 17-209; in Hommes et richesses dans<br />

l’empire byzantin, I: IV e -VII e siècle, Paris 1989, pp. 163-186; JRA, 4 (1991), pp. 403-408; in Byzance et les images,<br />

Paris 1994, pp. 41-94; in Aetos. Studies in Honour of Cyril Mango, Stuttgart 1998, pp. 306-313; in Acta XIII Congressus<br />

internationalis archaeologiae christianae (Split – Porec, 25.9-1.10. 1994), II, Città del Vaticano 1998 (but 1999),<br />

pp. 301-315.<br />

19 U. Peschlow, in F.W. Deichmann, Corpus der Kapitelle der Kirche von San Marco zu Venedig, Wiesbaden 1981; in<br />

Akten des XVI. Internationalen Byzantinistenkongresses (Wien, 4.-9. Oktober 1981), II, 4, Wien 1982, pp. 429-434;<br />

in Aphieroma ste mneme Stylianou Pelekanide, Thessalonike 1983, pp. 406-417; in Studien zur spätantiken und<br />

byzantinischen Kunst Friedrich Wilhelm Deichmann gewidmet, I, Bonn 1986, pp. 21-33; in Armos. Timetikos tomos<br />

ston N.K. Moutsopoulo, Thessalonike 1990, pp. 1449-1475; in Tesserae. Festschrift für Josef Engemann, Münster<br />

1991, pp. 215-228; in Akten des XII. Internationalen Kongresses für Christliche Archäologie (Bonn, 22.-28. September<br />

1991), Münster 1995, pp. 1101-1106.<br />

20 J. Kramer, Skulpturen mit Adlerfiguren an Bauten des 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. an Konstantinopel, Diss. München<br />

1965; BJb, 170 (1970), pp. 271-278; in Deichmann, Corpus der Kapitelle der Kirche von San Marco zu Venedig; in<br />

Festschrift für Klaus Wessel, München 1988, pp. 175-190; Korinthische Pilasterkapitelle in Kleinasien und Konstantinopel.<br />

Antike und spätantike Werkstattgruppen, Tübingen 1994; in Vom Orient bis an den Rhein. Begegnungen mit<br />

der christlichen Archäologie, Dettelbach 1997, pp. 101-122; in Spätantike und byzantinische Bauskulptur (Beiträge eines<br />

Symposions, Mainz, 18.-20. Februar 1994), Stuttgart 1998, pp. 43-58.<br />

21 Cl. Barsanti, in Akten des XVI. Internationalen Byzantinistenkongresses, II, 4, pp. 419-428; RINASA, III s., 12 (1989,<br />

but 1990), pp. 91-220; in Costantinopoli e l’arte delle province orientali, Roma 1990, pp. 423-428 and 429-436; in San<br />

Clemente. La scultura del VI secolo, Roma 1992, pp. 69-83, 85-96, 125-193, 249-270; in EAM, IV, Roma 1993, pp.<br />

200-214; in EAA. Secondo Supplemento 1971-1994, I, Roma 1994, pp. 867-873; in Akten des XII. Internationalen<br />

Kongresses für Christliche Archäologie, pp. 515-523; in Cl. Barsanti – A. Guiglia Guidobaldi, in Bisanzio e l’Occidente:<br />

arte, archeologia, storia, Roma 1996, pp. 79-93; in Acta XIII Congressus internationalis archaeologiae christianae,<br />

II, pp. 316-336; in 1983-1993. Dieci anni di archeologia cristiana in Italia (Atti del VII Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia<br />

Cristiana, Cassino, 20-24 settembre 1993), Cassino 2003, pp. 745-760.<br />

22 Th. Zollt, Kapitellplastik Konstantinopels vom 4. bis 6. Jahrhundert n. Chr., Bonn 1994.<br />

23 In addition to the studies quoted in note 8, see F.W. Deichmann, Studien zur Architektur Konstantinopels im 5. und 6.<br />

Jahrhundert nach Christus, Baden Baden 1956; RendPARA, 50 (1977-1978, but 1980), pp. 75-89; Corpus der Kapitelle<br />

der Kirche von San Marco zu Venedig.<br />

24 C. Mango – I. Sevcenko, DOP, 15 (1961), pp. 243-247, and the bibliography mentioned at note 16.<br />

25 About the so called Acritan pillars in St. Mark small square, starting from J. Strzygowski, in JbKPreuszKunstS, 25<br />

(1904), pp. 301-303, 360; E. Herzfeld, Am Tor von Asien, Berlin 1920, p. 78; Ch. Diehl, Manuel d’art byzantin, Paris<br />

1925 2 , p. 49.<br />


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