Anneden Allah'a: Bağlanma Teorisi ve İslâm'da Allah Tasavvuru

Anneden Allah'a: Bağlanma Teorisi ve İslâm'da Allah Tasavvuru

Anneden Allah'a: Bağlanma Teorisi ve İslâm'da Allah Tasavvuru


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© Center for ValuesEducationJournal of Values EducationTurkey-, 2006, 4 (12), 29-63.From Mother to Divine: Attachment Theoryand Representation of <strong>Allah</strong> in IslamuAkif HAYTA, Lecturer*Uludağ Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity Theology FacultyuCitation- Hayta, A. (2006). From mother to divine: Attachmenttheory and representation of <strong>Allah</strong> in Islam.Journal of Values Education-Turkey, 4 (12), 29-63. ©Center for Values EducationAbstract- Attachment theory, as de<strong>ve</strong>loped by John Bowlby is a psychologicaltheory of personality and social de<strong>ve</strong>lopment across thelife span. Attachment theory focuses on the de<strong>ve</strong>lopment of the bondbetween infant and caregi<strong>ve</strong>r, and the ways in which the functioningof this relationship influences subsequent psychological de<strong>ve</strong>lopment.The theory has generated a large body of research on infantand child de<strong>ve</strong>lopment and has been extended to the psychology ofreligion. More recently, Kirkpatrick proposed that the theory providesa powerful framework for understanding many aspects of religious belief,particularly with respect to percei<strong>ve</strong>d relationships with God. Acentral focus of the attachment approach to religion concerns percei<strong>ve</strong>dattachments to God. Although God is referred to by many namesin the Quran the supreme Name by which He is known is “<strong>Allah</strong>”.According to Islamic theology, <strong>Allah</strong> is belie<strong>ve</strong>d to be always near.In Islamic spiritually Lo<strong>ve</strong> and Light as the two central attributes ofGod are particularly significant and ha<strong>ve</strong> led to distinct models ofspirituality. The Quranic Concept “Hubb” (lo<strong>ve</strong>) is the core conceptthat determines the relationship between God and human being. Thisis why the Muslim Scripture (Qur’an) refers to <strong>Allah</strong> as al-Wadûd, theOne Who Lo<strong>ve</strong>s Most. Two other names, namely ar-Rahman and al-Rahim are also frequently used in attachment to the Supreme name<strong>Allah</strong>. The purpose of the present study is to examine the applicabilityof attachment theory to Islamic concept of God.Key Words- Attachment theory, Mother, Parent-Child Relations,Childhood, God İmage-Representation, Islam._________________* Address for correspondence- Akif Hayta. Uludağ Üni<strong>ve</strong>rsitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi FethiyeMah. Kırlangıç Sok. No: 2 16130 Nilüfer / Bursa E-Mail- akifhayta@hotmail.com

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