3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY IN NORTHERN TYANIS:PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE FIRST CAMPAIGN(2006) OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PAVIAL. D’ALFANSO*At the beginning of the ’60, Piero Meriggi, famous scholar of languages, writingsand cultures of pre-classical Anatolia, Professor of Linguistic at the Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsityof Pavia, took part to the fi rst archaeological missions at Arslantepe/Malatya,directed by Salvatore Puglisi. In that occasion he undertook a series of sur<strong>ve</strong>ys incentral Anatolia in order to fi nd out and locate archaeological sites of interest forhis studies 1 .Meriggi explored various zones of central Anatolia, beginning from the areaaround Malatya, and then continuing towards the West, after a careful reading ofthe reports of previous sur<strong>ve</strong>ys by scholars such as Forrer, Gelb, Mellaart, Arıkand Özgüç.Some 50 years later, the group of research headed by Prof. Mora (chairfor Hittitology and Ancient Near Eastern History at the Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity of Pavia) hascultivated the plan to resume archaeological activities in this region. The membersof the group ha<strong>ve</strong> been cooperating with archaeological Missions in Syria for morethan 10 years. The excavation of Tell Shioukh Fawqani (5 Km south of Karkemish1995-1998), the excavation of Tell Misherfa/Qatna (1999) and the excavation ofTell Ashara/Terqa (2000-2006) will be mentioned here 2 .Beyond these Syrian missions, the group has planned in recent years anextension of the archaeological activities to Central-South Anatolia. In fact, theOrientalists of the Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity of Pavia, who ha<strong>ve</strong> been traditionally concernedwith the Hittite culture, are presently focusing on historical, epigraphic andarchaeological research on the southern area of infl uence of the Hittite cultureduring the II and I millennium B.C. That is, Northern and Central Syria and Central-South Anatolia.* L. D’ALFONSO, Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsità degli Studi di Pavia, Dip. Scienze dell’Antichità, Sez. Orientalistica,Corso Strada Nuova, 65, 27100 Pavia/ITALY1 For the sur<strong>ve</strong>y of Meriggi s. d’Alfonso-Mora 2007, 819-820, with references to the publications.S. also Forlanini-Marazzi 1986, Pl. XI for the area visited by the scholar.2 On this missions s. lastly Al-Bahloul-Barro-d’Alfonso 2005, and Rouault-Mora 2006 withreference to further literature.1

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