3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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y voti<strong>ve</strong> niches car<strong>ve</strong>d in the natural rock); in other cases they ha<strong>ve</strong> unearthed anddamaged artefacts and structures connected with water-supply (cisterns, wells,clay pipes), residential and/or artisanal quarters (millstones, mortars [sometimesdecorated], oli<strong>ve</strong>-presses and clay loom-weights are remarkably frequent) [cf. Figs.5, 6], and perhaps some apsidal Byzantine building (identifi cation still uncertain).C) THEATRE: The theatre, identifi ed on the northern slopes of the acropolis(cf. Map: 2), is poorly preser<strong>ve</strong>d and mostly invaded by <strong>ve</strong>getation. Yet in somepoints the ca<strong>ve</strong>a tiers are still visible and in situ, with their decorated steps/seatsof local stone (Fig. 7). Also the parodoi walls, the analemmata and the foundationsof the skene are easily recognizable. Some architectural and decorati<strong>ve</strong> piecesfrom the scene-building (column and semi-column drums, entablature fragments,bases etc.) are still accumulated in the orchestra. Once again, our work includedcomplete photographic documentation, general measuring and GPS positioningof the main visible structures (especially the skene and the parodoi walls). Amongthe architectural relics of the scenae frons laying on ground in the orchestra, twofragmentary bases were identifi ed, one with a single car<strong>ve</strong>d hollow in which the footof a statue was to be fi tted; and another with a short unpublished inscription (Fig.8). A paper squeeze of the inscription was made, and its digital image, enhanced bycolour and contrast regulation, is perfectly readable. Prof. Hasan Malay gi<strong>ve</strong>s thefollowing transcription and translation of the incomplete text: -]είτας Διαφ[άνο(υ)ς? |πρ]υτανεύσα[ς = e.g. «...-eitas, son of Diaphanes ?, (dedicated, made, constructedetc. this) after having ser<strong>ve</strong>d as prytanis». The dedication, probably to be datedon palaeographic grounds to the late Hellenistic Age, mentions the prytanis, theeponymous magistrate of Temnos already known from one other inscription 24 .It is worth mentioning, by the way, that the name Διαφάν[η]ς | [Τ]ημνίτης couldbe convincingly restored in a fragmentary list, compiled by Philodemus, of Stoicphilosophers, pupils of Chrysippus 25 .D) AGORA (?): The largest architectural complex disco<strong>ve</strong>red in the 2006 sur<strong>ve</strong>ylies on the NW and W slopes of the acropolis hill: an impressi<strong>ve</strong> rectangular terraceor platform ca. 200 m long, bordered and sustained by a polygonal wall, preser<strong>ve</strong>d24 Inschriften von Pergamon 5 (cf. supra, n. 12).25 PHerc. 1018 (Ind. Stoic. Herc.), col. XLVI, lin. 5-6 (A. Tra<strong>ve</strong>rsa [ed.], Index stoicorumHerculanensis, Genova 1952) = Chrysipp. Sol. frg. 12 (H.F.A. von Arnim [ed.], Stoicorum<strong>ve</strong>terum fragmenta, II. Chrysippi fragmenta logica et physica, Lipsiae 1903); cf. T. Dorandi(ed.), Filodemo. Storia dei fi losofi . La stoà da Zenone a Panezio (PHerc. 1018), Leiden - NewYork - Köln 1994; reviewed by M. Gigante, Gnomon 72, 2000, pp. 294-301, espec. 299. Cf. alsoΔιαφήνης Πολλέως Τημνίτης in Inschr. v. Ilion, nr. 40 (supra, n. 12); T. Dorandi, “Epigraphicaphilosophica”, Prometheus 15, 1989, pp. 37-38; R. Goulet (ed.). Dictionnaire des philosophesantiques, II, Paris 1993, D 9<strong>3.</strong>348

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