3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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general sketch map, nor a detailed topographical and archaeological relief of theancient town and its territory. The rare epigraphical fi ndings ha<strong>ve</strong> been casual, notresulting from systematic research.Our preliminary biennial (2006-2007) sur<strong>ve</strong>y is expected to de<strong>ve</strong>lop into awider long-term research program, consolidated and prolonged in time by stablefi nancial resources, and hopefully by the consent of the Turkish authorities toconfi rm their permission. At present, the research program includes archaeological,topographical and epigraphical sur<strong>ve</strong>y at Temnos and in its territory (in particularin the modern villages of Eski/Yeni Hasanlar, İğnedere, Eski/Yeni Görece, Telekler,Eski/Yeni Süleymanlı, Bozalan); and geophysical prospecting (georadar, resistivityetc.) of some selected zones. We aim at realizing a general archaeological mapof the sur<strong>ve</strong>y area, intended as an instrument for its future preservation andvalorization (cf. Map: 2).A) NECROPOLIS: In 2006 two separate necropoleis were explored and delimited,about 0.5 km N and 1 km NE of the acropolis hill (Görece Kale) respecti<strong>ve</strong>ly, onboth sides of the track bordering its lowest E slopes. They are almost completelyravaged by illegal digging, often <strong>ve</strong>ry vast and deep, undoubtedly the result of longlastingundisturbed work (years-, if not decades-long), encouraged by the isolationof the area and by a lack of effecti<strong>ve</strong> local control. We explored, positioned byGPS and put on satellite photographs more than 200 GPS WayPoints (> WPs),corresponding to as many holes, variable in dimensions and depth (cf. maps 3-4). Such an impressi<strong>ve</strong> number is certainly still far from the total amount of illegalexcavations in the necropolis areas. A minor number of holes might be relics ofP. Devambez’ 1934 unpublished excavations. Most tombs are cists, made withlocal stone slabs (perhaps volcanic, classifi able by colour and mineral inclusionsin four main types), co<strong>ve</strong>red by fl at or roof-shaped lids, and with roughly uniformorientation within the different areas (fi g. 4). Very scanty relics of gra<strong>ve</strong> goodssurvi<strong>ve</strong> (perhaps a pure consequence of accurate, long-lasting depredation), mostof them being fragments of rough, unpainted clay wares.B) ACROPOLIS: The acropolis (Görece Kale), diffi cult to ascend and itselfdamaged by illegal excavations, has been explored only briefl y, with the mainpurpose of tracking and positioning by GPS the contour of the two (upper andlower) terraces on its top, both following an approximate NW / SE axis (cf. map 2).Once again, we ha<strong>ve</strong> registered and positioned many of the holes produced byillegal digging, on the abo<strong>ve</strong> mentioned terraces and on the NE and E slopes ofthe roughly conical acropolis hill. In some cases, especially near the acropolis top,such holes ha<strong>ve</strong> probably destroyed sanctuaries or sacred areas (still suggested347

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