3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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the king of Bithynia, Prusias II, in the course of a war against Attalus II, burned thesacred precinct of Apollo Kynneios, probably at the town’s periphery (the story isrelated by Polybius) 17 .Cicero gi<strong>ve</strong>s some details on the political and administrati<strong>ve</strong> organization ofTemnos, which in Republican times had a senatus, fi <strong>ve</strong> praetores, three quaestores,and four mensarii 18 . He also mentions the famous rhetorician Hermagoras ofTemnos, who fl ourished during the II century B.C. and wrote an appreciatedmanual in fi <strong>ve</strong> books, the Art of Rhetoric 19 .In 17 A.D. Temnos was damaged by a se<strong>ve</strong>re earthquake, which affected manyother places in the same area. All these cities were restored thanks to generousdonations by the Emperor Tiberius 20 . Their thanksgiving monument is reproducedon the so called “Puteoli base”, or “Tiberian base” from Puteoli, which preser<strong>ve</strong>s–among others– the male personifi cation of Temnos 21 .Late Roman cartography (in particular the derivati<strong>ve</strong> Tabula Peutingeriana)still registers Temnos on the Smyrna > Pergamum road, 33 miles far from Kyme 22 .The last mentions of the town occur in Hierocles’ Synecdemus (ca. 530) and in theActa of some Councils, which were attended by bishops from Temnos 23 . From thelast decades of the IX century onwards, the lack of evidence becomes complete,and defi niti<strong>ve</strong>.Temnos has ne<strong>ve</strong>r been the object of regular archaeological sur<strong>ve</strong>ys orexcavations (the results of P. Devambez’ campaign in 1934 remained unpublished).A brief sur<strong>ve</strong>y was conducted some years ago by Prof. Ersin Doğer, in order todelimit the archaeological area to be classifi ed for preservation. There is neither a17 Pol. XXXII 15, 11-1<strong>3.</strong> The sanctuary is mentioned also in Inschr. v. Smyrna II 1, nr. 584 (supra,n. 12), found by P. Devambez at Temnos.18 Cic. pro Flacc. XVI 42; XIX 44.19 Cic. De inv. I 8; 10-19; 97; Brut. 263; 271; see also Strab. XIII 3, 5; Quint. II 15, 14; 21, 21; III 1,16; 1, 18; 3, 9; 5, 4; 5, 14; 6, 21; 6, 53; 6, 56; 6, 59-60; 11, 1-10; 11, 18; V 9, 12; VII 4, 4; Su(i)d.s.v. ‘Ερμαγόρας, etc.; cf. D. Matthes (ed.), Hermagorae Temnitae testimonia et fragmenta,Lipsiae 1962; M. Zanatta (ed.), Ermagora.Testimonianze e frammenti, Milano 2004.20 Tac. Ann. II 47.21 CIL X 1, nr. 1624; H. Dessau, Inscr. Lat. Sel., nr. 156; cf. Le Collezioni del Museo Nazionaledi Napoli (la scultura greco-romana, le sculture antiche della collezione Farnese, le collezionimonetali, le orefi cerie, la collezione glittica), I 2, Roma 1989, pp. 116-117 nr. 101, fi gs. 101-101a-b-c; C. Vermeule, “The basis from Puteoli: cities of Asia Minor in Julio-Claudian Italy”, in: L.Casson - M. Price (eds.), Coins, Culture, and History in the Ancient World. Numismatic andother Studies in Honor of Bluma L. Trell, Detroit 1981, pp. 85-101.22 Tab. Peut. VIII 4 Weber (= IX 4 Miller); cf. Anon. Ra<strong>ve</strong>nn. Cosmogr. II 18 p. 30 Schnetz; V 9 p.91 Schnetz; Guido Geogr. 98-99 p. 134 Schnetz.23 Hierocl. 660-661 (pp. 16-17 Burckhardt / p. 22 Honigmann); W. M. Ramsay, The HistoricalGeography of Asia Minor, London 1890, p. 104.346

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