3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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Some of the few inscriptions of Temnos (or concerning Temnos) disco<strong>ve</strong>redso far – about 15 in number – testify to its good relations, during the III centuryB.C., with cities of neighbouring regions (for example Pergamum, Smyrna, Elaea,Teos) 12 . During the reign of Alexander colonists from Temnos settled in Egypt, inElephantine: the local papyri preser<strong>ve</strong> a contract of marriage between a certainHeracleides of Temnos and Demetria of Kos (311-310 B.C.), which mentions threeTemnitans as witnesses; and a will by a Dionysius and his wife Callista, Temnitanthemsel<strong>ve</strong>s (285-284 B.C.) 13 .After its annexation to the Pergamene kingdom, Temnos –according tothe prevailing opinion– remained subject to (and tributary of) the Attalid kingsfor most of the III and II century B.C. 14 Yet political troubles and discontinuityin the area were perhaps more relevant than commonly admitted. During the IIcentury B.C. land disputes with some neighbouring towns arose and were sol<strong>ve</strong>dby arbitration 15 ; but Temnos generally preser<strong>ve</strong>d and strengthened its politicalalliance system (other inscriptions testify to alliances and friendship ties withSardis, Erythrae, and Colophon, between the II and I century B.C.) 16 . In 155 B.C.12 Pergamum: Inschriften von Pergamon 5; OGIS 265; L. Robert, “Sur le traité d’isopolitie entrePergame et Temnos”, Revue des études grecques 40, 1927, pp. 214-219; H. H. Schmitt,Die Staats<strong>ve</strong>rträge des Altertums. III. Die Verträge der griechisch-römischen Welt von 338bis 200 v. Chr., München 1969, nr. 555; W. Gawantka, Isopolitie, München 1975, nr. 27.Smyrna: Inschr. v. Smyrna II 1, nr. 584 (also I, nr. 2); cf. L. Robert. Études Anatoliennes.Recherches sur les inscriptions grecques de l’Asie Mineure, Paris 1937, pp. 90-110. Elaea: L.Robert, “Inscriptions d’Aiolide”, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 57, 1933, pp. 492-504,espec. 492-499. Teos: P. Herrmann, “Die Stadt Temnos und ihre auswärtigen Beziehungenin hellenistischer Zeit”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 29, 1979, pp. 242-249 [239-271]; SEG XXIX1149. Cf. also Inschr. v. Ilion, nr. 40 (= M. Barth - J. Stauber [eds.], Inschriften Mysia & Troas[IMT], Packard Humanities Institute CD #7, 1996, nr. 195); infra, n. 25.13 PEleph. 1-2.14 Cf. e.g. Inschr. v. Pergamon 157.15 Cf. P. Herrmann, cit., pp. 249-271 (Cnidian arbitration between Temnos and Clazomenae); seealso F. Piejko, “Textual Supplements to the New Inscriptions Concerning Temnos”, IstanbulerMitteilungen 36, 1986, pp. 95-97.16 Sardis: J. Keil - A. von Premerstein, “Erster Bericht über eine Reise in Lydien und der südlichenÄiolis”, Denkschrift der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 5<strong>3.</strong>2, 1908, nr. 202, pp. 95-97;IGRR IV 1514 (ca. 25 B.C.). Erythrae: H. Engelmann, “Inschriften von Erythrai”, EpigraphicaAnatolica 9, 1987, p. 145 nr. 16; SEG 37, 933; see also Diog. Laert. V 84, as emended byK.J. Rigsby, “Missing Places”, Classical Philology 91, 1996, pp. 254-260. Colophon: B. D.Meritt, “Inscriptions of Colophon”, American Journal of Philology 56, 1935, pp. 381-382 nr.VII; L. Robert, “Décrets de Kolophon”, Revue de philologie 10, 1936, pp. 166-168 (Id., Operaminora selecta, II, Amsterdam 1969, pp. 1245-1247); Id., Hellenica. Recueil d’épigraphie denumismatique et d’antiquités greques, X, Paris 1955, p. 298; P. Herrmann, cit., p. 241. Temnitancitizens are mentioned in IG II 2 1031 (Athens, 90/80 B.C.); IG VII 3196 (Orchomenus, I cent.B.C.).345

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