3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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In this period, communication of anthropomorphic imagery mainly followedeast-west trade routes perhaps following the Anatolian steppe. At least for thefactors that infl uenced fi gurine production, north-south communication appearsto ha<strong>ve</strong> been less important. Indeed, <strong>ve</strong>ry few Halaf settlements and no fi gurinesha<strong>ve</strong> been found along the Syrian Euphrates. A lacuna in the geography of Halaffi gurines in the extreme southeast of Anatolia probably refl ects a historical lack ofexcavated sites rather than actual occurrence 2 .Geography of Fifth Millennium Central Anatolian FigurinesFigurines are distributed across se<strong>ve</strong>ral fi fth millennium Chalcolithicsettlements in Central Anatolia, including Canhasan, Çatalhöyük West, KöşkHöyük, Gü<strong>ve</strong>rcinkayası, Kuruçay Höyük, Hacılar and Aphrodisias. The styleand technology of these assemblages show a regional character that will not bediscussed here; the purpose of my study is to identify an inter-regional relationshipto Mesopotamia.Eastern connections ha<strong>ve</strong> been established for objects found alongsidefi gurines at a few central Anatolian sites. For instance, Halaf style stamp sealswere found at Köşk Höyük (Öztan, 2001). Also, painted pottery similar to that fromlate Halaf le<strong>ve</strong>ls at Domuztepe has been found at Çatalhöyük West, Yumuktepe-Mersin and Canhasan. Central Anatolian fi gurines gi<strong>ve</strong> evidence of an extendedeast-west exchange of ideas, ideology and imagery that may ha<strong>ve</strong> tra<strong>ve</strong>ledtogether with these stylistic techniques. Raw materials such as obsidian, probablyalso tra<strong>ve</strong>led on se<strong>ve</strong>ral east-west routes. Well tra<strong>ve</strong>led routes such as those o<strong>ve</strong>rthe Taurus Mountains and through the Cilician Gates are well documented in laterperiodsMuseum ResearchIn order to compare fi gurine assemblages from sites in Southeastern Anatolia,in the summers of 2000 and 2002, I studied Halaf fi gurines in the museums ofŞanlıurfa and Diyarbakır, as well as at se<strong>ve</strong>ral ongoing excavations. In the summerof 2006, I tra<strong>ve</strong>led west to study two small groups of anthropomorphic fi gurinesfrom the central Anatolian sites of Aphrodisias, in the Aphrodisias Museum, and2 New Halaf excavations in the Mardin and Siirt regions may soon yield more examples.Recently a figurine fragment was found in the 2006 excavations Kerküşti Höyük, in the Mardinregion; see Aslı Erim-Özdoğan, 2008.234

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