3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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Gable-formed (Fig. 14) as well as additional rectangular-form dividers (with atleast four bore-holes) ha<strong>ve</strong> been found (Fig. 15).Pendants also belong to the typical jewellery pieces (about 65 pieces). Theyvary not only in their size and the form of their bodies, but also in the fashioning oftheir heads and in the form of their bore-holes.The bodies are fashioned in spherical or elliptical form. The heads are seedformed,fl ower-formed or simply fashioned fl at. Their bore-holes are: <strong>ve</strong>rticalthrough head and body, arc-formed in the lower portion of the body, or horizontalthrough the head.A further large group is composed of z-formed fi gures (65 pieces, about 1.2x1.2cm.). Here, the following bore-holes can be obser<strong>ve</strong>d: one or two horizontal boreholes,as well as an additional V-form or T-formed bore-hole.Objects with annular decoration comprise two groups: one group (58 pieces)with prismatic-triangular bodies (height: 1,1 cm) and a horizontal bore-hole at theupper end, as well as two arc-form bore-holes on the opposite wide side.The second group is fl at and cylinder-formed, and on each narrow side is anarc-formed bore-hole (15 pieces). Another fl at cylinder without decoration is drilledthrough and can ha<strong>ve</strong> been used horizontally or <strong>ve</strong>rtically.The decoration which is always to be found in the middle of the object, consistsof two exterior circles which lie close to each other, as well as a smaller, interiorcircle.Two heads (height: 1,48 and 1, 60 cm) also belong to the fi nd complex. They siton a profi led socle, which takes the place of the neck. Both display an eccentricallyplaced horizontal bore-hole; on one of the heads, this is found in the frontal sectionof the socle, while on the second, it is found at the le<strong>ve</strong>l of the lower jaw. Asecond bore-hole runs or arc-formed through the back part of the socle down tothe underside. In the fl attened skull-cap of both heads a wide drilling is visible; onone of the heads, this is plugged with a piece of amber.The z-formed objects, the small double-conical beads, the smaller pendants,the objects with annular markings, and the dividers appear to belong together.This can be assumed not only from the size and the bore-holes which existon most of them, and which point to a generously scaled, interlinked festoon of16

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