3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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the site is fl at with a concentration of pottery and roof tiles in the alluvial soil. Theruins are exposed in a cut eroded away by the sea along the beach. Domesticarchitecture is visible in the cut that is co<strong>ve</strong>red by 40-50 cm of alluvial soil. Thereis a long wall-like construction visible in the sea that runs parallel to the beach. Thelatter is constructed of stones, mortar and pottery inclusions.Site No. 63; Site Name: Arpaderesi MağaraUTM East 238760 UTM North 4045400; Dating: LB – Pers? – Hell - RomSe<strong>ve</strong>ral concentrations of artifacts are scattered o<strong>ve</strong>r the hill. Part of the siteis ploughed but other parts are not cultivated. At B.139 (238760.4045400) thereare a few rock cut installations and ca<strong>ve</strong>s with pottery and <strong>ve</strong>ry few roof tiles.Building stones with a diameter of 20-50 cm are concentrated here. Some of thepottery seems to date to the Bronze Age. At B.140 (238530.4045440) we notedrock installations and settlement remains with fi eld stones and roof tiles. At B.141(238562.4045352) a concentration of pottery with only a few roof tiles was foundlying in an area of ca. 50 m diameter. At B.142 (238720.4045270) there was aconcentration of pottery in a fl at ploughed fi eld on a terrace o<strong>ve</strong>rlooking a creek.There were almost no roof tiles in this part of the site.Site No. 64; Site Name: Arpaderesi KöyüUTM East 238380 UTM North 4045350; Dating: MASome Medieval pottery was found scattered in the village between the modernhouses. Se<strong>ve</strong>ral older decorated stones were noted in secondary use built into thewalls of modern houses.Site No. 65; Site Name: Kurtların TepeUTM East 239380 UTM North 4045440; Dating: Pers/Hell – HellExtensi<strong>ve</strong> and dense concentration of pottery and roof tiles scattered on ahill (170x290 m). Rock installations were visible on areas with fl at exposed rocksurface. Among the pottery are many sherds of storage jars. A few basalt fragmentsare scattered o<strong>ve</strong>r the site.177

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