3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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were only partly sur<strong>ve</strong>yed. Dussaud reported archaeological artifacts he saw atthe Nusayri (Alawite) cemetery in the 1920s (1927: 446-447). Among the artifactshe noticed were column drums, ancient walls and tombs co<strong>ve</strong>red with three largeroof tiles of 56 cm length and smaller conca<strong>ve</strong> roof tiles. Although we were able tolocate this former cemetery at 246400.4051500, we found the site destroyed andbuilt o<strong>ve</strong>r by a modern market area.Site No. 59; Kızlarkalesı (Jonas’ Pillars, Bab Yunus, Sakaltutan)Dating: RomToday a road and the railway cut through the rock of the Cilician Gates (KilikaiPylai). Hellenkemper and Hild (1986: 108-110) describe the building remains indetail.Site No. 60.UTM East 240950 UTM North 4048370; Dating: Hell – Hell-ByzA concentration of pottery and roof tiles in a ploughed fi eld with few diagnosticsherds. The extent of the site is ca. 50 m in diameter. There is a large stone thatwas part of a wine press. The stone seems now to be out of its original contextand may ha<strong>ve</strong> ser<strong>ve</strong>d as a boundary marker. Field stones with a size of 30-50 cmare scattered in the fi eld.Site No. 61; Site Name: Issos HotelUTM East 235050 UTM North 4047310; Dating: ByzThe site was disco<strong>ve</strong>red during the construction of the ‘Issos Hotel’ at thebeach. Witnesses say that they saw a mosaic exposed. The site is now completelydestroyed by the hotel construction. The pottery and roof tiles visible on the beachare concentrated o<strong>ve</strong>r a strip of 50 m.Site No. 62.UTM East 235430 UTM North 4047440; Dating: Hell? – Rom-ByzBeach area partly built o<strong>ve</strong>r by the modern hotel. Visibility was good on thebeach, otherwise the site is completely built o<strong>ve</strong>r by modern constructions. Today176

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