3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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SUMMARY OF THE 2006 CILICIA SURVEY(İSKENDERUN BAY REGION)Gunnar LEHMANN*Ann E. KILLEBREWMarie-Henriette GATESThe third, 2006 season of archaeological sur<strong>ve</strong>y in the Bay of İskenderuntook place during three weeks from late September to mid-October. As inprevious years, the team’s six archaeologists were participating as members of acooperati<strong>ve</strong> research project supported by Bilkent, Pennsylvania State and Ben-Gurion Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsities. The 2006 sur<strong>ve</strong>y staff consisted of Marie-Henriette Gates(project director, Bilkent Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity), Ann Killebrew (Pennsylvania State Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity),Gunnar Lehmann (Ben-Gurion Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity), Baruch Halpern (Pennsylvania StateUni<strong>ve</strong>rsity), Benni Claasz Coockson (Bilkent Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity) and Ahmet Çağan(Middle East Technical Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity). The sur<strong>ve</strong>y was also graciously assistedby Sn. Gökhan Bozkurtlar, representing the Ministry of Culture and Tourism’sDepartment of Cultural Affairs and Museums, which kindly renewed permission forthe continuation of this sur<strong>ve</strong>y. The sur<strong>ve</strong>y members once again wish to expresstheir thanks to the Ministry, and to its excellent representati<strong>ve</strong> Sn. Bozkurtlar, fortheir interest and contribution to the season’s successful outcome.The region co<strong>ve</strong>red by this season’s permit invol<strong>ve</strong>d İskenderun and itshinterland, for an area of about 75 square kilometers. The sur<strong>ve</strong>y methodologycombined intensi<strong>ve</strong> exploration within the built-up area of the city of İskenderun,and intensi<strong>ve</strong> fi eld walking in transects of 30 m width in selected fi elds and hillswest and south of İskenderun. We also interviewed the local population anddisco<strong>ve</strong>red a number of sites with their help. All sites were photographed, recordedby GIS mapping techniques, and sampled by collecting ceramic and other fi nds.Finds collections were then analyzed, recorded, drawn and photographed at thesur<strong>ve</strong>y’s fi eld quarters, the Kinet Höyük Excavation House (Yeşil-Dörtyol). At theclose of the season, the 2006 sur<strong>ve</strong>y fi nds were stored in the excavation house’ssealed depots, together with those of previous sur<strong>ve</strong>y seasons.* Dr. Gunnar LEHMANN, Ben Gurion Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity of the Negev. Beer Sheba/ISRAEL.Professor Ann E. KILLEBREW, The Pennsylvania State Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity, Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity Park, PA./USA.Dr. Marie-Henriette GATES, Bilkent Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity, Ankara/TURKEY.171

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