3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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THE BOUKOLEON MONUMENTAL ITINERARY AND THETWO CONNECTED WESTERN AND EASTERNITINERARIESEugenia Marta BOLOGNESI*Giuseppe BERUCCIDaniele GARNERONEStarting from the initial Sur<strong>ve</strong>y of the Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperorsin İstanbul, in the fi rst part of September 2005 we focused onto the planning ofthe Monumental Itinerary of the Palatine Harbour of the Boukoleon on the Sea ofMarmara as a fi rst objecti<strong>ve</strong> for the Urban-Historical Park of Sultanahmet.We are as usual <strong>ve</strong>ry grateful to our commissar Dr. Tevfi k Göktürk, who followedthe researches with interest and always ga<strong>ve</strong> <strong>ve</strong>ry useful advices; to the Directorof the İstanbul Archaeological Museums Dr. İsmail Karamut and to the Directorof the Department of Restoration and Conservation of the Ministry of Culture andTourism Prof. Ülkü İzmirligil, a sto Prof. Dr. Nuran Zeren Gülersoy, Director of theDepartment of Urban and Social Studies of İstanbul Technical Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity. We arein particolar <strong>ve</strong>ry grateful to Arch. Giuseppe Berucci, who guided the study of theWestern Itinerary, with Dr. Anna Conticello, Arch. Giovanna Marchei and Arch.Irem Aranci, who also joined the team working at the Eastern Itinerari, with Arch.Daniele Garnerone and Arch. Gianni Dibenedetto.The itinerary is intended to gi<strong>ve</strong> a better understanding of this neglected areaof the Historic Peninsula and to promote at the same time the revival of the entireneighbourhood.The site entails the sea-walls on Sahil Yolu, the road to the airport along the seaof Marmara, between Nakilbent Caddesi and Oyuncular Sokak, in particular thedistance between the vanished tower of Belisarios to the west and the lighthousetower to the east. It also entails the defence-wall running northwards from thelighthouse tower up to the little mosque and devotional complex of Kapı AğasıMahmut Ağa, built at the beginning of the sixteenth century on top of Byzantineruins.* Dr. Eugenia Marta BOLOGNESI, Sede operativa, Via Ajaccio, 14 00198 Roma/ITALY.117

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