3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

3. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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processed yet, and therefore a defi niti<strong>ve</strong> clarifi cation inherent to the periods ofinhabitation of the site will be offered only in the defi niti<strong>ve</strong> publication of the sur<strong>ve</strong>y,foreseen for 2009.The Recognition of the Area to the W of AltunhisarOnly one site has been recorded in the area W of Altunhisar. It is a smallhill some ten meters from the town hall of Ulukışla; the site was probably biggerbefore the bulldozer remo<strong>ve</strong>d part of its deposits to provide arable land to theadjoining fi elds. The few diagnostic sherds are fragments of painted pottery of theIron age, and red and brown polished pottery, possibly of the Hittite age.In conclusion, the distribution of the settlements, at least for the Hittite andNeo-Hittite age, seems to privilege here in the Tyanis the plain area; until this timesites dating to this period in the valleys ha<strong>ve</strong> not come to light. The recognition ofthe territory of other villages on the E of the sur<strong>ve</strong>yed area, in 2007, will allow, wehope, to shed more light on this and further aspects.6BibliographyAl-Bahloul-Barro-d’Alfonso 2005, Kh. Al-Bahloul–A. Barro–L. d’Alfonso, “The IronAge Cremation Cemetery”, in L. Bachelot – F. M. Fales (Eds.), Excavationsat Tell Shioukh Fawqani, Padova 2005, 498-541.Berges-Nollé 2000, D. Berges – J. Nollé, Tyana I: Archäologisch-historischeUntersuchungen zum sudwestlichen Kappadokien, Bonn 2000.Beyer et alii 2006, D. Beyer et alii, “Zey<strong>ve</strong> Höyük (Porsuk): Rapport sommaire surla campagne de fouilles de 2005”, in Anatolia Antiqua 14 (2006), 205-244.Beyer2007, D. Beyer, “Zey<strong>ve</strong> Höyük (Porsuk), 2005”, in 28. Kazı SonuçlarıToplantısı, Ankara 2007, 629-638.Börker Klähn 2007, J. Börker Klähn, “Die Schlacht um Tuuanuua als „AtlanteStorico“, in Tabularia Hethaeorum. Hethitologische Beiträge Silvin Košakzum 65. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden 2007, 91-118.d’Alfonso-Mora 2007, L. d’Alfonso–C. Mora, “Viaggi anatolici dell’uni<strong>ve</strong>rsità di Pavia.Rapporto preliminare della prima campagna di ricognizione archeologicanella Tyanide settentrionale”, Athenaeum xxx (2007), 819-836.

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