11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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. A circuit wall around the lower city of which little has survi<strong>ve</strong>d,but its line is clear on the north side of the promentary I, in the saddIe 00­tween promentary II and promentary m (where there is also a gate), andin short stretches along the length of promentary m. It has been <strong>ve</strong>rybadly damaged by erosion, but it seems lik:ely that originally the hill wascompletely surrounded by this wall except at those points where highcliffs made protection unnecessary.c. The 'Kızıl Kuşak' (Fig. 6). This is the local name for a large wall17.2 metres long, 11 metres high and 3 metres thick, which blocked theentrance to the gully between promentary II and m. Part of it is now hiddenbeneath the collapsed hillside to the south (see plan). It is a well-builtstructure, using large spolia blocks from the Roman city, and has twoparallel bands of re-used Roman brick. It was obviously intended to impressfriends and enemies as their first sight of city.d. 15 large rectangular cistems (e.g, fig. 7). The smallest is 8.58 m-,the largest 86 m-.e. 11 small flask-shaped cistems (e.g. fig. 8). These are on a<strong>ve</strong>rageabout 1.0 m in diameter and about 1.5 m deep.f. A large mortared rubble base at the westem end of promentary IIImay be the remains of a tower, or possibly a large house.g. There are also the signs of other structures on the castle top, thelower part of promentary i and on promentary III. The presence of seatter~drubble and roof tiles suggests houses, but there are no standing remaıns.Mastaura was a bishopric but we found no sign of a church.All these remains seem tobe essentially of one period. The only minorexceptions are that on the castle itself there are signs that one of thewestem towers was added ina second phase, and the south tower was definitelybuilt as alater addition to block a small side gate. Its remains arevisible in fig. 5 which shows the north side of the tower, and the blockeddoor. One of the cistems on the castle also seems to use a different plasterthan the others.- u__ -HDwev~rtlre-twonew towers use iôenticalmetfioô-sof constructionto all the other walls on the site, and theyare no more than 100 years laterthan the other structures at the most, and probably much less.With one exception all the cistems are <strong>ve</strong>ry similar, and all use thesame pink plaster (see Fig. 9) which in most cases has been renewed atleast once, and at the most.four times. Discussion with farmers in Turkey563

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