11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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Just abo<strong>ve</strong> the north end of lake the remains of a robbed EarlyBronze Age site, perhaps a tumulus gra<strong>ve</strong>, provides rare evidence formuch earlier exploitation of the area.Since YazırGöl had pro<strong>ve</strong>d unsatisfactory for sediment coring, theteam mo<strong>ve</strong>d down to Gölhisar Gölü. Large scale pumping of water for irrigationhad lowered the water le<strong>ve</strong>l of the lake, so that it was surroundedby a broad margin of soft mud, which pre<strong>ve</strong>nted our launching the drillingboat. Howe<strong>ve</strong>r, the rig was set up close to water, where the mud wasfirm enough to bear our weight and from here we were able to reco<strong>ve</strong>rcores extending down to a depth of o<strong>ve</strong>r 8 m. Two 14C dates ha<strong>ve</strong> beenobtained so far. One sample, from a depth of about 2.70 m, correspondsto a 10 cm layer of vo1canic ash, and the date, 3330±70 14C years RP. orabout 1650 Re., suggests that this relates to the explosi<strong>ve</strong> eruption of theSantorini vo1cano. It will be interesting to in<strong>ve</strong>stigate what the impact ofthis major e<strong>ve</strong>nt was on <strong>ve</strong>getation. if the build up of sediment wassteady, then the full core depth of 8.13 m should co<strong>ve</strong>r about the last10.000 years, so providing evidence for climatic and <strong>ve</strong>getational changessince the Neolithic period and indicating the times and extent of humanimpact on the environment. Although Gölhisar Gölü is at a lower altitudethan Balboura, any climatic changes affecting the <strong>ve</strong>getationaround it will ha<strong>ve</strong> affected.Balboura also. Further analysis is being carried out for diatoms, geochemistry,sediment texture, and pollen, but this detailed study will requirese<strong>ve</strong>ral years' work.The inquiries into traditional agriculture were carried out by Dr MalcolmWagstaff of the Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity of Southampton and Doç. Dr Aygen Erdentuğof Bilkent Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity. The work focused on the villages of Çobanisa,Çaltılar, and Karaculha Yaylası in the vilayet of Muğla. The firsttwo no longer ha<strong>ve</strong> lowland counterparts, and show how permanent settlementscan make an adequate living from the resources of the uplandarea alone. The third has alarger lowland twin near Fethiye, and so illustratesthe seasonal exploitation of the uplands from a lowland base. Thequestioning related to the period before 1960, that is, before tractors, insecticidesand artificial fertilise[Lw_eLe_available-in-the-district,-fof-uutil---­that time farming methods will ha<strong>ve</strong> been subject to the same limitationsas in antiquity, and may well ha<strong>ve</strong> changed little.In both the permanent and seasonal villages dry farming, particularlyof wheat and barley, was the dominant form. The figures which were obtainedfor crop yields at various altitudesand for household requirements,should provide the basis for rough ca1culations of possible popula-431

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