11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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In short, the field work of these years permits identification of a richmonumental phase in the Byzantine era. The occupied area in this periodseems to ha<strong>ve</strong> been limited to the westem part of the ancient city(Fig. 11), where it is possible at present to identify two principal nuc1ei: amilitary one on the Acropolis, the fortress complex, and a religious onein the northem part (on the side o<strong>ve</strong>rlooking the ancient port), representedby the complex of the Basilicae.In the Milas Museum, in addition to transport and setting up of somefinds from Bargylia (such as the ambo from one church in the area of theharbour), restoration was carried on the marble sculpture group from theextra-urban shrine of Çanacık Tepe'. This consists of a standing femalestatue, c1ad in a peplos belted at the waist, and flanked by two anima1s:presumably Artemis and two rams.The restoration had to be done in stages differentiated according tothe type decay the marble has suffered in consequence of the position ofthe various fragments. These were c1eaned and consolidated individuallyaccording to the most up- to-date conservation techniques.In particular, the work on the statue of the goddess (in Museum sincethe 1990 campaign), found unfortunately acephalous as well as missingthe arms and the lower part, was extremely difficult owing to the smallsize of the numerous fragments found in the years 1989-1990 (Fig. 12a,b). Following the restoration inter<strong>ve</strong>ntions on the individual pieces, itwas possible, with patient collecti<strong>ve</strong> research, to restore the drapery (badlydamaged especially in front) with quite tiny fragments the upper partof the figure-shoulders (Fig, 13a, b) and neck-and lower part- hem of thepeplos- reassembled from four large pieces, which great1y impro<strong>ve</strong>d thestability of entire statue. Furthermore, other fragments of one hand and ofse<strong>ve</strong>ral fingers ha<strong>ve</strong> peen put back together, although it is not possible tojoin them to the rest of the statue.As for the rams, only the body of one animal (missing the feet, theneck and head) was found along the steep slope of the hill opposite thesanctuary. This position made the work of transport to the Museum(1991) quite difficult. Gi<strong>ve</strong>n the impossibility of using mechanicalmeans, the marble-suitably packed and tied down on a specially builtsturdy wooden sledge-was slowly lowered down the slope by a team ofworkmen under the constant supervision of the members of the Mission;only further downhill was it possible to use a tractor while for the movingto Milas, a trailer was used.(4) See E., La ROCCA, in Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı iX (1992), pp. 63-64, figs. 5-6.180

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