11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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then towards Miletus. in fact, it was found that one of the main gates ofthe fortress of Zindan Kale opened in exactly that direction.Immediately north of the walls on Çanacık Tepe, in fact, in the directionof Zindan Kale, the layout of some "lelegian compounds" weredrawn (Fig. ı, no.83). The best preser<strong>ve</strong>d one presents an elliptical plan(Fig. ·S). and was built in dry-stone masonry. it shows the typical divisionin two parts with the stairwell in one of the apsed ends, but in this specimena second rectangular building was added on the opposite side. Furtherto the west, a third rectangular room, built with a more modest technique,mut ha<strong>ve</strong> been an annex. The three buildings, along with thedifferent altitudes of the eliff, shaped a sort of courtyard.E<strong>ve</strong>n the stretch of the coast immediately north of lasos, consistingof rather steep hilIs which slope down to the sea, shows traces of bui1dings,built in various ways with the megalithic technique, but seem to beisolated buildings rather than part of rural settlements. Of these, a rectangularstructure (Fig. 19), perhaps a temple, built with irregular masonryin various materials has been found along the modern road from lasos toZeytin Köyü (Fig, 6).it is evident that the area of the chora of lasos, which is now occasionallyused for scanty sheepherding, was once densely populated, asthe buildings of different function (housing, religious and defensi<strong>ve</strong>)show. The chronology of these structures, howe<strong>ve</strong>r, remains to be <strong>ve</strong>rified:this wilI be possible only through exeavation.At Alagün, the underwater sur<strong>ve</strong>y confirmed the artificial nature ofthe isthmus that links the left side of the bay to the island and then continuesto the left with another branch. Evidence of works to straighten thecoastline both on the island and on the mainland was found.As part of the in<strong>ve</strong>stigation of the economy of the lasian chora, theanalysis of the quarries, in particular of the marble quarries, was intensified.Near the modern village of Karakuyu, an area which strictly speakingdoes not belong to lasos, a quarry of grey marble was found (Fig, 7).lt shows traces of ancient quarrying works and is, howe<strong>ve</strong>r, <strong>ve</strong>ry near,and perhaps associated with, an ancient settlement (possibly to be identifiedwith alketor), whose extent is not known, but which seems to ha<strong>ve</strong>been quite large, to judge from the finds which ha<strong>ve</strong> risen to the surfaceand from the marble remains stilI in siıu (the most important of whichha<strong>ve</strong> been transferred to the Milas Museum by the Italian Mission).178

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