11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY IN THETERRITORY OF IASOS AND THEGULF OF MANDALYA 1992The principal focus of the Missiorı's actıvıtes during the 1991 and1992 sur<strong>ve</strong>ys! was the continuation of the research for the archaeologicalmap of the territory and the restoration of the marble sculpture groupfound in the sanctuary on Çanacık Tepe-.TERRITORY OF lASOSObjecti<strong>ve</strong>s were the fortifications and the "lelegian compounds" (frequentlypresent in the hilly belt of the lasian chora), the marble quarriesand the site of Alagün.As far as fortifications are concemed, the ringwalls on the summit ofÇanacık Tepe (Fig. 1b) and Zindan Kale (Fig. la) were in<strong>ve</strong>stigated andstudied. The first site yielded few results because of its poor state of preservation,while in, Zindan Kale, many structures are preser<strong>ve</strong>d and a sur<strong>ve</strong>yof the area was made (Fig. 2).Zindan Kale is a fortress in which at least two phases are identifiable;it shows signs of having been inhabited continuously for some centuries.Its elongated shape is irregular and its dry-stone walls are skilfully(1) The fourth sur<strong>ve</strong>y campaign in the territory of the Gulf of Mandalya took place from 14 Julyto 10 August 1991 under the directian of Professor E. La Rocca. The other members were:Bruno Marocchini and Enrichetta Emo Capodilista, restorers from Istituto Centrale del Restauro,Dr. Füsun Fallvollita, and Dr. Beatrice Pinna Caboni. The fifth sur<strong>ve</strong>y campaign wascarried out under the supervision of Architect A. Viscogliosi from 4 July to 4 August 1992;members of this sur<strong>ve</strong>y were Dr. Marina Falla Castelfranchi, Dr. A. Braccili, Dr. BeatricePinna Caboni, Dr. Paolo Arata, Dr. Marcello Spanu and the restares from the Istituto Centraledel Restauro Stefania Giudice and Antonella Sechi. As always we thank the General Directorateof Monuments and Museums at Ankara for the permission to undertake the sur<strong>ve</strong>ysand the representati<strong>ve</strong>s of Ministry of Culture, Ms. Nurhan Ulgen (1991) and Ms.Şengül Gündoğan (1992) of the General Directorate of Antiquities, Ankara, for their friendlyand competent collaboration.(2) See E. La Rocca, in Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı IX (1992), pp. 63-64, figs. 5-6.176

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