11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

11. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY IN THEGULF OF MANDALYA (CARIA)REPORTANTHE 1991 CAMPAIGNEugenio La ROCCA*The fourth sur<strong>ve</strong>y campaign in the territory of the Gulf of Mandalyatook place from 14 July to 10 August 1991 under the direction of ProfessorEugenio La Rocca. The other members were: Bruno Marocchini andEnrichetta Emo Capodilista, restorers from the Istituto Centrale del Restauro;Dr. Füsun Fallavollita, Dr. Beatrice Pinna Caboni and NurhanÜlgen, representati<strong>ve</strong> of the General Directorate of Antiquities, Ankara,to the Mission.1) The principal focus of the Mission's activity was the restoration ofa marble sculpture group, consisting of a standing female statue, c1ad in apeplos belted at the waist, and of two animals. These presumably representArtemis flanked by two rams. The group was found in the small extra-urbansanctuary, probably dedicated to Artemis, loeated atop the hillknown as Çanacık Tepe, near Kazıktı Dağ, which closes the plain of thecity of lasos on the east. Artemis was, in fact, patron goddess of lasos.The most important element of the group, the statue of the goddessunfortunatelyacephalous as well as missing the arms and lower part-hadbeen tranferred in 1990 to the Archaeological Museum at Milas. Thisyear all the numerous fragments found during the 1989-1990 campaignsand pertinent to the statues both of the goddess and of the animals werebrought there as well. These include often quite tiny drapery fragments,or larger fragments of the neck, shoulders, arms, one of the hans andnumerous fingers, as well as four large pieces belonging to the lowerpart of the statue. Furthermore the fragments of the horns-which canbe put together to make two pairs of backward-curving corkscrew'"Prof. Eugenio La ROCCA, Pisa Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity Dipartimento di Scicnze Archeologiche Via Galvoni,ı Pisa-ITALY.169

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