2. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

2. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

2. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

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site at Çatallar tepe indeed perfectly fullfills all expectations: It is situated inthe <strong>ve</strong>ry heart of Mt. Mycale. The temple has been erected within the ruinsof a davastated Carian settlement, thus continuing an older Carian cult. Itsunique plan, combining a temple with a lesche, meets the requirements of acultplace intended to bring together the ambassadors of the 12 Ionian citiesfor a strange sacrifice of non-greek type.The question, why the Panionion at Çatallar tepe was not rebuilt after itsdestruction can easily be answered by pointing to the destruction of archaicPriene and the ensla<strong>ve</strong>ment of its population by the Persian commanderMazares. The meetings of the Ionian League during the 2nd half of the 6thcent. B.C. mentioned by Herodotus might well ha<strong>ve</strong> taken place in muchhumbler surroundings in Priene itself.Other consequences from the findings at Çatallar tepe concern thede<strong>ve</strong>lopment of early Ionic architecture. While the temple of Dionysos at Yriaon the island of Naxos, which had been dated to 580/70 B.C. by G. Gruben,already disposes of foundations larger than the walls, of column bases, and ofplastically worked Ionic capitals, the Panionion in comparison seems slightlyless de<strong>ve</strong>loped. Did Ionic architecture not de<strong>ve</strong>lop uniformly? Is it thinkablethat in a region of such enormous intellectual innovation as Ionia a templefounded by the Ionian League did not represent the latest de<strong>ve</strong>lopments inarchitecture? Or are we perhaps better advised to lower the date of the templeat Yria?195

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