2. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

2. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

2. Cilt - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

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The walls of the temple were built most likely of pounded clay ratherthan of mudbricks o<strong>ve</strong>r a low base made of limestone. The temple had beenalready completely roofed when it burned down at about 550 B.C. The lion’shead antefixa of the roof ha<strong>ve</strong> been treated to some extend by Ö. Özgül in hismaster thesis which hopefully will be published soon 5 .At the <strong>ve</strong>ry end of the second campaign in September 2006 a short stripof a wall had been excavated, which runs against the southwest corner ofthe temple but is evidently younger, since its filling contains fragments ofrooftiles of the Panionion.The third campaign, therefore, tried to sol<strong>ve</strong> the following threequestions:1. Did the pronaos dispose of 6 or 8 columns?<strong>2.</strong> Are there any remains of an altar of the 6th cent. B.C. and where arethey located?3. What was the age and function of the wall running against thesouthwest corner of the temple?1. The PronaosDuring the second campaign of 2006 only one single foundation of astylobate was obser<strong>ve</strong>d in the seriously demolished southern part of thepronaos, which by its position pointed to the fact, that the pronaos indeeddisposed of eight columns instead of only six.The thorough in<strong>ve</strong>stigation in the northern half of the pronaos during thethird campaign, where already two foundations for the stylobates had beenfound in 2005, brought two more foundations to light (Fig. 2). The marblestylobates themsel<strong>ve</strong>s were lost, but their foundations were nicely preser<strong>ve</strong>din situ, testifying to the fact that the archaic Panionion like the archaicDidymaion disposed of eight columns within the pronaos.<strong>2.</strong> The AltarThe heavily disturbed area before the eastern front of the temple had beenin<strong>ve</strong>stigated already in 2006. In the course of this work no remains of an altar5 Ö. Özgül, Die Löwenkopfantefixe des archaischen Panionion, unpublished masterthesisBochum Ruhr-Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity 2008.191

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