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136 Pratik ‹laç Bilgisi, ‹laç fiekilleriKaynaklarLee A. (2003). Adverse Drug Reactions.Pharmaceutical Press, Londra.Edwards IR, Aronson JK. (2000). Adverse drug reactions:definitions, diagnosis and management. TheLancet, 356, 1255-1259Vural N. (1996). Toksikoloji. Ankara ÜniversitesiEczac›l›k Fakültesi Yay›nlar› No: 73. Ankara.Haschek WM, Rousseaux CG. (1998). Fundamentalsof Toxicologic Pathology. Academic Press, SanDiego, California.Niesink RJM, de Vries J, Hollinger MA. (1996).Toxicology: Principles and Applications. CRCPress, Boca Raton, Florida.Ford MD, Delaney KA, Ling LJ, Erickson T. (2001).Clinical Toxicology. W.B. Saunders Company,Philedelphia.Tolsto‹ LG. (2002). Drug-induced gastrointestinaldisorders. Medscape Pharmacotherapy 4 (1).Tarloff JB, Lash LH. (2005). Toxicology of the Kidney.3. Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.Fenton JJ. Toxicology: (2002). A Case OrientedApproach. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.Plaa GL, Hewitt WR. (1998). Toxicology of the Liver.Taylor & Francis, Washington 1998.Olson KR. (1999). Poisoning and Drug Overdose.Appleton and Lange, Stamford, Connecticut.Ryrfeldt A. (2000). Drug-induced inflamatoryresponses to the lung. Toxicology Letters, 112-113, 171-176.Özkan M, Dweik RA, Ahmad M. (2001). Drug-inducedlung disease. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine,68(9), 782-795.Saraço¤lu A. (2008). ‹laçlara ba¤l› olarak geliflenkardiyovasküler bozukluklar. Türkiye Klinikleri JCardiovasc Sci, 20(2), 107-123.Owczarek J, Jasinska M, Orszulak-Michalak D. (2005).Drug-induced myopathies. An overview of thepossible mechanisms. Pharmacological Reports, 57,23-34.Turianski N, Lloyd GG. (2005). Psychiatric side-effectsof medications: Recent developments. Advancesin Psychiatric Treatment, 11, 58-70.Özden SY. ( 1992). Uyuflturucu madde ba¤›ml›l›¤›.Nobel T›p Kitabevleri, ‹stanbul.

136 Pratik ‹laç Bilgisi, ‹laç fiekilleriKaynaklarLee A. (2003). Adverse Drug Reactions.Pharmaceutical Press, Londra.Edwards IR, Aronson JK. (2000). Adverse drug reactions:definitions, diagnosis and management. TheLancet, 356, 1255-1259Vural N. (1996). Toksikoloji. Ankara ÜniversitesiEczac›l›k Fakültesi Yay›nlar› No: 73. Ankara.Haschek WM, Rousseaux CG. (1998). Fundamentalsof Toxicologic Pathology. Academic Press, SanDiego, California.Niesink RJM, de Vries J, Hollinger MA. (1996).Toxicology: Principles and Applications. CRCPress, Boca Raton, Florida.Ford MD, Delaney KA, Ling LJ, Erickson T. (2001).Clinical Toxicology. W.B. Saunders Company,Philedelphia.Tolsto‹ LG. (2002). Drug-induced gastrointestinaldisorders. Medscape Pharmacotherapy 4 (1).Tarloff JB, Lash LH. (2005). Toxicology of the Kidney.3. Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.Fenton JJ. Toxicology: (2002). A Case OrientedApproach. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.Plaa GL, Hewitt WR. (1998). Toxicology of the Liver.Taylor & Francis, Washington 1998.Olson KR. (1999). Poisoning and Drug Overdose.Appleton and Lange, Stamford, Connecticut.Ryrfeldt A. (2000). Drug-induced inflamatoryresponses to the lung. Toxicology Letters, 112-113, 171-176.Özkan M, Dweik RA, Ahmad M. (2001). Drug-inducedlung disease. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine,68(9), 782-795.Saraço¤lu A. (2008). ‹laçlara ba¤l› olarak geliflenkardiyovasküler bozukluklar. Türkiye Klinikleri JCardiovasc Sci, 20(2), 107-123.Owczarek J, Jasinska M, Orszulak-Michalak D. (2005).Drug-induced myopathies. An overview of thepossible mechanisms. Pharmacological Reports, 57,23-34.Turianski N, Lloyd GG. (2005). Psychiatric side-effectsof medications: Recent developments. Advancesin Psychiatric Treatment, 11, 58-70.Özden SY. ( 1992). Uyuflturucu madde ba¤›ml›l›¤›.Nobel T›p Kitabevleri, ‹stanbul.

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