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taban arazi üzerindeki değişik toprak profillerinin oluşumu ... taban arazi üzerindeki değişik toprak profillerinin oluşumu ...
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iiiABSTRACTFORMATION, CLASSIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENTSOIL PROFILES ON BASELANDİsmail Fatih ORMANCIThe objectives of this study, carried out on baseland, were description andclassification of soils, interpretation of relationships among soil profilecharacteristics, soil environment and forming factors and processes. The Kumacıkplain is situated in Western Mediterrian Region and 15 km north of Isparta province.In this study, the planned analysis were made to soils on 30 disturbed andundisturbed soil samples taken from defined horisons of six soil profiles dug on soilindividuals which have significant morphological differences. Profile description,particle size disturbation analysis, spesific gravity, bulk density, field capacity,porosity, pH, lime content, cation Exchange capacity, exchangable cations, electricalconductivity, free Fe 2 O 3 and available phosporus values were used in differntiatingof soils.Soil profiles were classified according to soil taxonomy as fallows; First and 2 th.profiles as Typic Hydraquent sub group, 3 th. and 5 th. profiles as Typic Xerofluventsub group, 4 th. profile as Vertic Haploxerept sub group and 6 th. profile as VerticHaploxeroll sub group. These profiles were classified according to FAO/UNESCOsystem as follows; First and 2 th. profiles as Calcaric Gleysol group, 3 th. and 5 th.profiles as Calcaric Fluvisol group, 4 th. profile as Vertic Cambisol and 6 th. profileas Mollic Fluvisol group.KEYWORDS: Soil formation, soil profile, soil classification.

ivTEŞEKKÜRTez konumun seçiminden araştırmamın sonuçlandırılmasına kadar her türlükatkılarıyla çalışmalarımı yönlendiren, araştırmamın her aşamasında ilgi ve desteğinigördüğüm değerli hocam Prof. Dr. Mesut AKGÜL’e, araştırmamın her aşamasındaözellikle arazi çalışmalarında ilgi ve desteğini gördüğüm değerli hocam Dr. MetinMÜJDECİ’ye, Toprak bölümünün diğer öğretim üyeleri, çalışanları, öğrencileri vearaştırmayı mali yönden destekleyen Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi BilimselAraştırma Fonu (BAP 1281-YL-06 nolu proje)’na teşekkür ederim.Ayrıca tez çalışmam sırasında her türlü maddi ve manevi desteklerini esirgemeyen,babam Neşet ORMANCI, annem Nermin ORMANCI ve dayım Opr.Dr. MehmetŞENYÜZ’e teşekkür ederim.İsmail Fatih ORMANCIISPARTA - 2007

iiiABSTRACTFORMATION, CLASSIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENTSOIL PROFILES ON BASELANDİsmail Fatih ORMANCIThe objectives of this study, carried out on baseland, were description andclassification of soils, interpretation of relationships among soil profilecharacteristics, soil environment and forming factors and processes. The Kumacıkplain is situated in Western Mediterrian Region and 15 km north of Isparta province.In this study, the planned analysis were made to soils on 30 disturbed andundisturbed soil samples taken from defined horisons of six soil profiles dug on soilindividuals which have significant morphological differences. Profile description,particle size disturbation analysis, spesific gravity, bulk density, field capacity,porosity, pH, lime content, cation Exchange capacity, exchangable cations, electricalconductivity, free Fe 2 O 3 and available phosporus values were used in differntiatingof soils.Soil profiles were classified according to soil taxonomy as fallows; First and 2 th.profiles as Typic Hydraquent sub group, 3 th. and 5 th. profiles as Typic Xerofluventsub group, 4 th. profile as Vertic Haploxerept sub group and 6 th. profile as VerticHaploxeroll sub group. These profiles were classified according to FAO/UNESCOsystem as follows; First and 2 th. profiles as Calcaric Gleysol group, 3 th. and 5 th.profiles as Calcaric Fluvisol group, 4 th. profile as Vertic Cambisol and 6 th. profileas Mollic Fluvisol group.KEYWORDS: Soil formation, soil profile, soil classification.

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