ADKG2008 - Namık Kemal Üniversitesi

ADKG2008 - Namık Kemal Üniversitesi

ADKG2008 - Namık Kemal Üniversitesi


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presence of PPV-M race as well as ACLSV and ApMV in the blackthorn bushes in Tekirdag. Presence ofthese viruses in blackthorn bushes make them potential sources of PPV, ACLSV and ApMV in the area whichcreates a serious threat to newly established fruit orchards in the Trakya region of Turkey. By evaluatingserological and the molecular tests this is the first report of the PPV, ACLSV and ApMV which were identifiedon Prunus spinosa L. in Turkey.Çıtır, A. and Đlbağı, H. 2008. Serological identification of some important viruseson fruit trees and bushes in Tekirdağ province of Turkey.” Proceedings of theTwentieth International Symposium on Virus and Virus-like Diseases ofTemperate Fruit Crops, Fruit Tree Diseases, Antalya, Turkey. ActaHorticulturae 781: 103-106. (Prof.Dr. A. Citir. and Assoc. Prof.Dr. Đlbağı, H. <strong>Namık</strong> <strong>Kemal</strong>University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Tekirdağ-Turkey.) Abstract: Fruit trees ofsmall- fruited apple: Malus pumila Mill., plum: Prunus domestica L., apricot: Prunus armenica L., medlar:Mespilus germanica L., blackberry: Rubus fruticosus L. and hawthorn: Crataegus sp. were investigated forthe presence of viruses like Plum pox virus (PPV), Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) and Apple mosaicvirus (ApMV) in the Tekirdağ Province in Turkey. Double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbentassay (DAS-ELISA) tests were applied on leaf samples collected from symptom expressing trees and bushes.DAS-ELISA test results revealed that; 4 out of 9 apricot trees infected with PPV, 4 of them had ACLSV as 2 ofthem infected with ApMV as a cause of mixed infections with others. 2 out of 12 plum trees infected with PPVand 2 of them had ACLSV. 1 out of 4 M. pumila tree was infected with ACLSV and the other one had ApMV.One symptom expressing medlar tree however was infected with ApMV in the Tekirdağ province. 4 out of 5symptom expressing hawthorn bushes were found infected with only ApMV as one blackberry bush containedApMV too. All of these results imply that PPV, ACLSV and ApMV viruses have considerable amount ofsources of inoculum in the Tekirdağ province where establishment of many fruit orchards were initiated andsupported by Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in every proper location. By evaluating serological testthis is the first report of the detection of ApMV on medlar, blackberry and hawthorn in Turkey.Bilimsel Özet Metni Basılmış Uluslar arası BildirilerPoster BildirilerÖzer, N., 2008. Major seed-borne fungal diseases of onion (Allium cepa). Journalof Plant Pathology 90: 182. Prof.Dr. Ozer, N.<strong>Namık</strong> <strong>Kemal</strong> University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Plant Protection, Tekirdağ-Turkey.) Abstract: Aspergillus niger, Botrytis aclada and Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. cepae are relevant seed-borne fungi of onion (Allium cepa L.) and are known as causalagents of black mould, neck rot and basal rot diseases, respectively. These pathogens can be transmittedfrom infected seeds to seedling, sets or bulbs. Pectolytic enzymes and isoenzymes of these pathogenscontribute to virulence during onion seed or bulb colonization. They eventually kill the entire plants throughdegradation of the tissues. Any onion cultivar, at high resistant degree to A. niger has not been considered.Resistance to B. aclada was determined by using transplants and bulbs. Numerous onion lines and cultivarswere found as resistance to F. oxysporum f. sp. cepae under different experimental conditions. The resistancemechanism of onion to these pathogens was examined. Chemical treatments are generally suggested for theircontrol. In recent years, alternative compounds or treatments to pesticides were evaluated.35

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