ADKG2008 - Namık Kemal Üniversitesi

ADKG2008 - Namık Kemal Üniversitesi

ADKG2008 - Namık Kemal Üniversitesi


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7.4.1. Bölüm ISI Atıf Dizinlerinde Yer Alan Yayın ListesiCoutts, RHA., Coveili, L., Di Serio, F., Citir A., Acikgoz, S., Hernandez, C.,Ragozzino, A., Flores, R. 2004. Cherry chlorotic rusty spot and Amasya cherrydiseases are associated with a complex pattern of mycoviral-like double-strandedRNAs. II. Characterization of a new species in the genus PartitivirusJournal of General Virology 85:3399-3403.Covelli, L., Kozlakidis, Z., Di Serio, F., Citir, A., Acikgoz, S., Hernandez,C., Ragozzino, A., Coutts, R.H.A., Flores, R. 2008. Sequences of thesmallest double-stranded RNAs associated with cherry chlorotic rusty spotand Amasya cherry diseases. Archives of Virology 153 (4): 759-762.Salem, N.M., Golino, D.A., Falk, B.W., Rowhani, A. 2008. Completenucleotide sequences and genome characterization of a novel doublestrandedRNA virus infecting Rosa multiflora. Archives of Virology 153(3):455-462.Kozlakidis, Z., Covelli, L., Di Serio, F., Citir, A., Acikgoz, S., Hernandez, C.,Ragozzino, A., Flores, R., Coutts, RHA. 2006. Molecular characterization of thelargest mycoviral-like double-stranded RNAs associated with Amasya cherrydisease, a disease of presumed fungal aetiology. Journal of General Virology 87:3113-3117.Covelli, L., Kozlakidis, Z., Di Serio, F., Citir, A., Acikgoz, S., Hernandez,C., Ragozzino, A., Coutts, R.H.A., Flores, R. 2008. Sequences of thesmallest double-stranded RNAs associated with cherry chlorotic rusty spotand Amasya cherry diseases. Archives of Virology 153 (4): 759-762.Đlbagı, H. 2006. The Common Reed (Phragmites communis) is a natural host ofimportant cereal viruses in the Trakya region of Turkey” Phytoparasitica 34: 441-448.Jackson, EF. and Jackson CR. 2008. Viruses in wetland ecosystems.Freshwater Biology 53 (6): 1214-1227.Đlbağı,H., Rabenstein, F., Habekuss, A., Ordon, F., Çıtır, A., Cebeci, O. andBudak, H. 2008. Molecular, serological and aphid transmission studies ofBarley yellow dwarf virus-PAV and Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV inCanary Seed (Phalaris canariensis L.). Cereal Research Communications.36: 225-234.Đlbagı, H., Rabenstein, F., Habekuss, A., Ordon, F. and Çıtır, A. 2006. Incidence ofVirus Diseases in Maize Fields in the Trakya Region of Turkey. Phytoprotection87: 115-122 (2006).29

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