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SUMMARYRELİGİONS-MYSTİCAL COMPONENTS IN THE POEMS OF ÂŞIK(WADDERING MINSTREL) POOR DERVISH.Halil Eren YILDIRIMSüleyman <strong>Demirel</strong> University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature,Thesis of the master, 383 pages, September 2007.Thesis Advisor: Associate Pr. Halil Altay GÖDE.Our Thesis called Religions-Mystical Components In The Poems Of Âşık PoorDervish, aims to find out and explain the religions-mystical element in the poems ofŞemsettin Kubat who is the most important living representatives of literature of Âşık.Our study is formed by preface, introduction, ten main parts, bibliography and acurriculum vitae (cv).The introduction section gives informmation about our Âşık’s life, his literalpersonality and the places where he spent his life.The First Section looks through the term “Allah” Allah’s features and names are themost widely used components in the poems of our Aşık.The Second Part is named as “Prophets” All the prophets in Poor Dervish’s poemsare the prophets in the Quran. They take part in his poems as their well-known features andstories.The Third Section is Haly Books. Poor Dervish uses all the holy books in hispoems.(Tevrat, Zebur, Bible, Quran) While the names of these holy books are used togetherin many of his poems, Quran is used separately in some of his poems.The Fourth Section is named as “Angels” Angels in the poems of Poor Dervish,appear in the form of the angels created by light and the angels which have duties.The Fifth Section is about ayahs(verses) and words of the ProphetMuhammed.(Hadis)That our Âşık was a Hafız enables us to see these ayahs(verses) and Hadis a lot inhis poems.The Sixth Section is about religious terminology. A lot of terms, such as the Day ofJudgement, heaven and hell appear in Our Âşık’s poems. The most capacity consists in thesixth section.The Seventh Section is about the mystical terms and mystical personalities in thepoems There are a lot of mystical personalities in our Âşık’s poems.The Sixth Section is about Hz. Ali and Twelve İmams. Hz. Ali is the most importantfeature in the poems.The Ninth Section is the Kerbela Event and the Martyrs of Kerbela The KerbelaEvent is a poignant event which makes our poet feel very sad. This event and all the martyrsin this events, especially Hz. Hüseyin appear a lot in the poems.The Tenth Section is about Karacalar Village, Dergah of Hak Halili and successionof Kadiri which our Aşık belonged to. Hak Halili, The Sultan Bacım and Kadir Ağa are thelast successors of Kadiri which our Âşık belong to. These names appear a lot in the poemstoo.The Final Section consists of the source section which we compiled from the sourceswe got during our study and bibliography.Key Words: Âşık’s Literature, Religions-Mystical Components, Allah(God), Ali,Muhammed, Twelve İmams, Kerbela Event.

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