Mart 2013 Sayı:291 - Verimlilik Genel Müdürlüğü - Bilim, Sanayi ve ...

Mart 2013 Sayı:291 - Verimlilik Genel Müdürlüğü - Bilim, Sanayi ve ...

Mart 2013 Sayı:291 - Verimlilik Genel Müdürlüğü - Bilim, Sanayi ve ...

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with their rivals. It has been necessary for theenterprises to make innovation in terms of producingservices and goods of higher quality faster andcheaper with limited resources because of increasingcustomer expectations. All these changes ha<strong>ve</strong> startede-transformation process in business world.E-transformation can be generally defined as passingto electronic environment with the aims of makingenterprise functions more efficient and producti<strong>ve</strong>,increasing enterprise’s competiti<strong>ve</strong> power in globalworld, satisfying new customer demands andcompeting with growing rivals free from time andspace.Transformation of Turkey into Information SocietyInformation society can be generally defined as asociety in which knowledge is the cornerstone of socialand cultural transformation. In our day, technologies inwhich information is produced, processed and shared,bring about important changes in individual li<strong>ve</strong>sand in the structure of institutions and enterprises.The number of internet users around the world hasbeen estimated to reach nearly two billion. In Turkey,both internet use ratio and computer owning ratioha<strong>ve</strong> experienced remarkable growth in recent years.The number of internet users in Turkey, with the aidof widespread mobile <strong>ve</strong>hicles, has risen abo<strong>ve</strong> 35million.Enabling the usage of information technologies in aproducti<strong>ve</strong> and common way to create economic valueadded is vitally important for Turkey’s de<strong>ve</strong>lopment inthe period where global competition increase rapidlyamong de<strong>ve</strong>loping countries. Correspondingly, thestudies towards being an information society has tobe managed in line with targets and politics carefullydefined. Information Society Strategy has been inpreparation under the coordination of Ministry ofDe<strong>ve</strong>lopment with the participation of all concernedparties. The first strategy has been prepared in 2005around se<strong>ve</strong>n subjects having priority and 111 actionplans ha<strong>ve</strong> been formed. While some of the actionplans that ha<strong>ve</strong> been enforced ha<strong>ve</strong> been successful,some of the action plans were either unfinished or notimplemented. When the first strategy concerningfoundation and management of e-go<strong>ve</strong>rnmentsystems has been evaluated, it can be said thatthe strategy achie<strong>ve</strong>d 60-70 % success.Transformation of Enterprises with InternetInternet has considerable economic impactson account of arising new business areasand changing the structure and di<strong>ve</strong>rsity ofenterprises. Internet economy has a remarkablecontribution to the success of particularlyde<strong>ve</strong>loped countries’ rate of economic growth.Internet’s addition to gross national productis 6.6 % in Sweden, 3.8 % in USA and 0.9 %in Turkey. In this regard, it can be stated thatinternet produces much more economic valuethan many traditional sectors.The structure of business enterprises andwork processes ha<strong>ve</strong> experienced notablechanges with the penetration of internet tobusiness world. The extension of informationand communication technologies is aninevitable work instrument for enterprises. Workprocesses in many sectors ha<strong>ve</strong> been changingdramatically at a global le<strong>ve</strong>l. For the occasion,change occurs at three main headings: changingoperational structure, changing labour force andgrowing competiti<strong>ve</strong> environment.The ratio of internet use in enterprises havingmore than 10 employee has exceeded 92 %. Thisratio has almost reached to 100 % for enterpriseshaving more than 250 employees. On the otherhand, when economic contribution of internetto Turkish economy is evaluated, it is obser<strong>ve</strong>dthat enterprises cannot efficiently use it andcannot benefit from internet in terms of growth,work productivity, marketing inside and outsidemarkets.MARCH <strong>2013</strong>55

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