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Koydemir-Özden, S. (2010). Self-aspects, perceived social support, gender, and willingness toseek psychological help. International Journal of Mental Health, 39(3), 44-60, doi10.2753/IMH0020 -7411390303.Koydemir-Özden, S., & Erel, Ö. (2010). Psychological help-seeking: role of sociodemographicvariables, previous help-seeking experience and presence of a problem.Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, 5, 688-693.Lebowitz, B. D., & Niederehe, G. (1992). Concepts and issues in mental health and aging. InJ. E. Birren, R. B. Sloane, & G. D. Choen (Eds.), Handbook of mental health andaging (2nd ed., 11-26). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.Leong, F. T. L., & Zachar, P. (1999). Gender and opinions about mental illness as predictorsof attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. British Journal ofGuidance and Counseling, 27(1), 123-132.Levant, R., F., Wimer, D. J., Williams, C. M., Smalley, K. B., & Noronha, D. (2009).Therelationship between masculinity variables, health risk behaviors and attitudes towardseeking psychological help. International Journal of Men’s Health, 8(1), 3-21, doi:10.3149/jmh.0801.3Mackenzie, C., S. & Gekoski, W., L. & Knox, V., J. (2006). Age, gender, and theunderutilization of mental health services: The influence of help-seeking attitudes.Aging & Mental Health, 10, 574–582.Nam, S., K., Chu, H. J., Lee, M. K., Lee, J. H., Kim, N., & Lee, S. M. (2010). A metaanalysisof gender differences in attitude toward seeking professional psychologicalhelp. Journal of American College Health, 59(2), 110-116.Özden, S., K. (2010). Self-aspects,perceived social support, gender,and willingness to seekpsychological help. International Journal of Mental Health,39, 44–60.Rochlen, A. B., & Hoyer, W. D. (2005). Marketing mental health to men: Theoretical andpractical considerations. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67(6), 675-684.Shea, M., & Yeh, C. J. (2008). Asian American students’ cultural values, stigma, andrelational self-construal: correlates of attitudes toward professional help seeking.Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 30(2), 157-172.Sheffield,J. K., Fiorenza,E & Sofronoff, K. (2004). Adolescents’ willingness to seekpsychological help: Promoting and preventing factors. Journal of Youth andAdolescence, 33, 495–50.Silverberg, R. A. (1986). Psychotherapy for men: Transcending the masculine mystique.Springfield, IL: C. Thomas.41

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