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2.3 ProcedureEthical permission to carry out the research was obtained from the local educationauthority. Also permission from the METU Human Ethic Committee and organizations wastaken to do research. After providing voluntary participation, confidentiality, and to protectrights to privacy, participants were informed that participation is voluntary and anonymous.After completing an informed-consent sheet, questionnaires (demographic questions andATHS-S) were given to participants3. ResultsIn this section, before conducting the analysis; the accuracy of data entry, missingvalues and the assumption of parametric and non-parametric tests were investigated. Themissing values were excluded declining sample size from 625 to 572. Before the investigationprocess, assumptions were checked for each analysis. Data was analyzed using SPSS 18.0.In order to understand the characteristics of the sample, descriptive statistics (mean,standard deviation, frequency and percentage) of the data were presented. In the second step,a series of initial analysis were conducted to explore whether gender, age and faculty wererelated to attitude towards psychological help seeking. Among the variables studied, genderwas examined with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Moreover, because faculty andage were not satisfied parametric analysis assumptions, the faculty was examined by using theMann-Whitney U test with the age was with Spearman's Rank Order correlation. Finally, forthe main analysis the effect of gender on help seeking attitude was checked after controllingaging and faculty variables was checked with one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).To decrease the probability of making a Type I error alpha level will be fixed at 0.05.The data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) (Green,Salkind, 2008).3.1 Gender and Students’ Help Seeking AttitudeOne way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to evaluate the effect ofgender on students’ attitude toward help seeking. A significant effect of gender was found onthe help seeking attitude of students F (1, 572) = 73.64 , p = .00. and it is smaller than 0.05.The summary of the ANOVA results presented in table 3. Furthermore, the effect size wascomputed for gender and it was found as η² =. 11 which indicates moderate effect, accordingto Cohen’s (1988) criterion (see table 3).Table 3: ANOVA Results For Gender on Students’ Attitude towards Help SeekingSS df MS F p η²Between Groups 3688.92 4 922.23 9.95 .00 .11Within Groups 52539.51 567 92.66Total 56228.43 57133

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