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Öztemiz, S., 2008. Natural Parasitism Rate of Trichogramma evanescens Westwood(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammati<strong>da</strong>e) and Release Efficiency Against the Ostrinia nubilalisHubner (Lepidoptera: Pyrali<strong>da</strong>e) in Maize of A<strong>da</strong>na, Turkey. J. Entomol. Sci. (In press).Sumer F., Ozcan S., Oztemiz S., and Tuncbilek A., 2008. Determination of EsteraseVariation Among The Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammati<strong>da</strong>e) Populations ByElectrophoresis. Nobel Yayınları (Basım<strong>da</strong>).Tangolar S. G. ve S. Büyükalaca, 2008. Production of Artificial Seeds from SomaticEmbryos Obtained from Immature Zygotic Embryos of Vines. Europ. J. Hort. Sci., 73 (1): 1–4.Tangolar, S. G., S. Büyükalaca, ve F. Ergenoğlu, 2008. High Efficiency SomaticEmbryogenesis From Grapevine Immature Zygotic Embryos: The Effect of Genotype, Media,2,4-D and Incubation Conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 32(4): 311-317.Tatlı, A., Küsek, M., Kafkas, E,. Birişik, N., Pala, H., 2008. Determination Of FungalFactors Which Caused The Desiccation (Death) Of Olive Trees İn The East MediterraneanOlive Regions Of Turkey . 6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress. 7-10 September 2008, Athens,Greece.Toktay, H, Nicol JM, McIntyre L, Elekcioglu IH, Ozkan H, 2008. Phenotypic and moleculargenetic analysis of partially resistant bread wheat cultivars against root lesion nematode(Pratylenchus thornei). The 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium proceedingsEdited by Rudi Appels Russell Eastwood Evans Lagu<strong>da</strong>h Peter Langridge Michael MackayLynne. Sydney University Pres. P.143.Toktay, H., E. Sahin, J.M. Nicol, R. Trethowan & H.I. Elekcioglu, 2008 . Root Lesion(Pratylenchus thornei) Nematode in Spring Wheat Sister Lines. Proceedings of the 5 thNematology Congress, Brisbane, Australia, page 242.Tunali, B., Nicol, J.M., Uckun, Z., Büyük, O., Erdurmuş, D., Hekimhan, H., Aktaş, H.,Hodson, D., Akbu<strong>da</strong>k, M.A., Bagci, S.A., 2008. Survey of root and crown rot fungi of springand winter wheat of cereal production areas of Turkey. Plant Disease. Published by TheAmerican Phytopathological Society , Editor-in-Chief: Anthony P. Keinath, September 2008,Volume 92, Number 9, Pages 1299-1306,Uygur, S., Bozdoğan, O., Soyak, A., Aksoy, E., Uygur, F.N., 2008. Infestation of InsectHerbivores On Orobanche Species in Turkey . 2nd International Symposium “IntractableWeeds and Plants Invaders". 14-18 Eylül 2008, Osijek-Hırvatistan, 58.Yarpuzlu, F., Oztemiz, S., and Karacaoglu, M., 2008. Natural Enemies and PopulationMovement of the California Red Scale, Aonidiella aurantii Maskell (Homoptera: Diaspidi<strong>da</strong>e)with Efficiency of Parasitoid, Aphytis melinus (How.) (Hymenoptera: Aphelini<strong>da</strong>e) in LemonOrchards. J. Ent. Res. Soc. 10 (1): 43-58.Yılmaz, G. Ü., S. Tangolar, H. Y. Daşgan, S.G. Tangolar, and N. Yılmaz, 2008. Searchingof An In Vitro Method For Evaluation of Grapevine Responses to Iron (Fe) Deficiency Stress.Europ.J.Hort.Sci., 73 (5): 222–226.Yücel, S., C. Can, M. Yurtmen, R. Y. Cetinkaya, Y. Aysan, 2008. Tomato Pathology inTurkey. The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology. 2 (1), 38-47.

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