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Gulsen O., A. Uzun, H. Pınar, I. Canan, U. Se<strong>da</strong>y, 2008. Surveying rumple disorder in aseven year-old lemon orchard in Turkey. XI. International Citrus Congress, 26-30 October,Wuhan, China (basım<strong>da</strong>)Uzun A., O. Gulsen, Y. Aka-Kacar, V. Aras, A. Demirel, M. Bircan, S. Pay<strong>da</strong>ş, A. Yildiz,2007. Characterization of new apricot cultivars by RAPD Markers. Journal of Appl.Horticulture. 9 (2): 132-135. (2008 yılın<strong>da</strong> yayınlandı)Kafa G., O Tuzcu, 2008. Determination of Yield and Fruit Characters of Interdonato LemonTypes Selected in Turkey, 11th International Citrus Congress, 26-30 October, Wuhan China.Uzun A., O. Gulsen, G. Kafa, U. Se<strong>da</strong>y, 2008. Effect of Budwood Irradiation on Fruit Weightof ‘Kutdiken’ Lemon, 11th International Citrus Congress, 26-30 October, Wuhan China.Uzun, A., O, Gulsen, G. Kafa, U. Se<strong>da</strong>y, 2008. ‘Alata’, ‘Gulsen’ and ‘Uzun’ Seedless Lemonsand ‘Eylul’ Early-maturing Lemon, Hortscience 43(6):1920-1921.Uzun, O. Gulsen, Y. Aka-Kacar, V. Aras, A. Demirel, M. Bircan, S. Pay<strong>da</strong>s and A. Yildiz.Characterization of new apricot cultivars by RAPD markers. Journal of Appl. Horticulture. 9:132-135.BIRCAN M., PINAR H., YILMAZ C., YILDIZ, A., PAYDAŞ S., KAŞKA, N. (2008) TheApricot Breeding Program among Some Local and Foreign Cultivars by Cross Breeding XIV.International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture 16-20 June 2008- Matera-Italy.(Basım<strong>da</strong>)PINAR H., BIRCAN M., YILMAZ C., YILDIZ, A., PAYDAŞ S., KAŞKA, N. (2008) ThePerformances of Some Apricot Cultivars in the Mersin Ecological Conditions. XIV.International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture 16-20 June 2008- Matera-Italy.(Basım<strong>da</strong>)KELEŞ, D. ve BÜYÜKALACA, S., 2008. Low Temperature Tolerance on Pepper (Capsicumannum). ASHS (The American Society for Horticultural Science), Orlando-Flori<strong>da</strong>, ABD.KURT, S., YILDIRIM, B., POLATOZ, S. TUZCU, O., 2008. The Performance of SomeSatsuma Clones in A<strong>da</strong>na Ecological Conditions. 11 th International Citrus Congress, Wuhan,China.ADANA Zirai Mücadele A.E.Birisik, N. 2008. Situation and Control of CTV in Turkey. Harmonized programme for thecontrol of CTV and Toxoptera citrici<strong>da</strong> in the Mediterranean. Follow-up to therecommen<strong>da</strong>tions of last meetings in Faro (Portugal) and Nouakchott (Mauritania). 22.september. Cairo. Egypt. Mditerranean options seri B. (in press)Birişik, N., Baloğlu, S., 2008. A Historical Review about Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV) andit’s Vectors in Turkey. Proceedings of the Mediterranean Network of Certification of Citrus.Ôptions Mditerranêennes seri B. (in press.)Birişik, N. 2008. Importance of Citriculture in Turkey. Proceedings of the MediterraneanNetwork of Certification of Citrus. Ôptions Mditerranêennes seri B. (in press)Bozbuga, R. and Hazir, A., 2008. Pests of palm (Palmae sp.) and <strong>da</strong>te palm (Phoenix<strong>da</strong>ctylifera) determined in Turkey and evaluation of red palm weevil (Rhnychophorusferrugineus Olivier) (Coleoptera:Curculioni<strong>da</strong>e). OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, 38, 127-130.

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