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and A. A.Uncuoglu. 2008. Search for molecular markers associated with yellow rustresistance in Turkish bread wheat genotypes. 33rd FEBS Congress and 11th IUBMBConference, Biochemistry of Cell Regulation, The FEBS Journal, Volume 275 Supplement1,page365, June 28 -July 3, 2008, Athens-Greece.A.A. Uncuoglu, S. Ercan, Y. Aydin, F. Ertugrul, S. Hasancebi, L.Cetin, S. Albustan, Z. Mert,K.Akan, F.Dusunceli, O.Yorgancilar, M.Cakmak, S. Belen, N. Bolat. 2008. An EST-SSRMarker for Yellow Rust Resistance at Seedling and Adult Plant Stage in Turkish Bread Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes. XVI. Congress of The Federation of European Societiesof Plant Biology (FESPB), FESPB Abstract book P07-012. 17-22 August 2008, Tampere-Finland.Belen, S., M. Çakmak, N. Bolat, 2008. Winter Wheat Breding in Anatolian AgriculturalResearch Institute. Plant Genetic Resources Conference, The Georgia State AgriculturalUniversity. May 29-31 2008 in TBİLİSİ-GEORGİA.Yorgancilar, A., E. Sahin, A.T, Kılınç., J.M, Nicol,., G.Erginbas, , N.Bolat, , H. Elekçioğlu ,A. F.Yıldırım, , O.Yorgancılar, O. Bilir, 2008. Identification of multiple resistance againstCereal Cyst (Heterodera filipjevi) and Root Lesion (Pratylenchus thornei & P. neglectus)nematodes for international bread wheat improvement. 5th InternatinalCongress onNematology, 13-18 July 2008 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Erginbas, G., E. Kinaci, J.M. Nicol, G. Poole, , T.Paulitz, A. Yorgancilar, E. Sahin,A.T.Kilinc , F. Ozdemir, 2008.Improved ın vıtro Seedlıng Assay for Identıfyıng Crown Rot(Fusarıum culmorum) Resıstance on Wheat under Greenhouse Condıtıons. 10 th InternationalFusarium Workshop, 30 th August-2 nd September 2008/ItalyErginbas, G., E.Kinaci, J.M.Nicol, A. Yorgancilar, E. Sahin, A.T. Kilinc, F.Ozdemir, 2008.Pathogenıcıty of Turkısh Dryland Crown Rot Isolates (Fusarıum culmorum) on Wheat UnderGreenhouse Condıtıons.. 10 th International Fusarium Workshop, 30 th August-2 nd September2008/ItalyNicol, J.M., A. Bagci , N. Bolat, G.Erginbas, E.Sahin, A.F.Yildirim, F.Ozdemir,A.Yorgancilar, A. T. Kilinc , 2008. Identıfıcatıon of Bread Wheat Resıstance AgainstDryland Crown Rot (Fusarıum culmorum) Under Inoculated Fıeld and ControlledGreenhouse Condıtıons in Turkey. Trethowan, R.T., Manes, Y. 10 th International FusariumWorkshop, 30 th August-2 nd September 2008/ItalyKaraduman Y., Ü. Çakmaklı, 2008. Evaluation of Bread-Making Quality of Some BreadWheat Varieties and Lines. Bosphorus 2008 ICC International Conference, April 24-26,s:163, İstanbul.ANKARA Zirai Mücadele Merkez A.E.Altun<strong>da</strong>ğ Ş., Karahan A., Kilinç A.O. and Ozakman M. 2008. First report of Clavibactermichiganensis subsp. sepedonicus causing bacterial ring rot of potato in Turkey. New DiseasesReports (http://www.bspp.org.uk/ndr/jan2009/2008-76.asp) Volume: 18Cakmak O, M. Başhan and E. Koçak, 2008. The Influence of Life-cycle on Phospholipid andTriacylglycerol Fatty Acid Profiles of Aelia rostrata Boheman (Heteroptera: Pentatomi<strong>da</strong>e). Journal ofthe Kansas Entomological Society. Volume 81, Issue 3: 261-275.Erdogan C., G. D. Moores, M. O. Gurkan, K. J. Gorman and I. Denholm, 2008. Insecticide resistanceand biotype status of populations of the tobacco whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodi<strong>da</strong>e)from Turkey. Crop Protection, 27, 600–605.

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