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GAZİANTEP Antepfıstığı A.E.Kazankaya, A., S. Tüfenkçi, M. F. Balta and S. Kara<strong>da</strong>g, 2008. Nutrient Contents and Nut Propertiesand of Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Varieties. Asian Journal of Chemistry 20 (3): 2344-2348Doğanlar M., S. Kara<strong>da</strong>ğ, Z. Mendel, 2008. Pest status of the pistachio seed wasp,Eurytomaplotnikovi Nik. (Hym., Eurytomi<strong>da</strong>e) on several varieties of Pistacia vera in Gaziantep province,Turkey, and in Israel. Phytoparasitica (in press).Acar, I., E. Kafkas, Y. Ozogul, Y. Dogan and S. Kafkas. 2008. Variation of Fat and Fatty AcidComposition of Some Pistachio Genotypes. Ital. J. Food Sci. 20 (2): 273-280.Acar, I. and S. Eti, 2008. Effect of pistil receptivity, pollen mixtures, and pollen application distanceson fruit set of pistachios (Pistacia vera), New Zeal. J. Crop. Hort. Sci. 36 (4): 295-300.Bilim, H.C., R. Polat, 2008. Splitting and Breaking of Pistachio Nuts with Striking and Heating.Journal of Food Proc. Eng. 31 (3): 317-329.Doğan,E.,H. Kırnak,K. Berakatoğlu, L. Bilgel, A. Sürücü,2008. Water Stress Imposed on Musk Melon(Cucumis melo L.) with Subsurface and Surface Drip Irrigation Systems Under Semi-arid ClimaticConditions, Irrig. Sci. 26: 131-138.ERZURUM Veteriner Kontrol ve A.E.Özbek E., A. Özbek, . Kalkan Y., Demirci T., 2008 Macroscopic and light microscopicmanifestations of the cyst of Coenurus cerebralis in sheep brain. European Congress ofClinical Microbiyiology and İnfectious Diseases,19-12 April 2008, Clinical Microbiology andInfection, 14 (suppl. 7), R2451 , Barcelona, Spain (2008).Simsek N., Karadeniz A., Kalkan Y., Keles O.N, Unal B. 2008, Spirulina platensis feedinginhibited the anemia- and leucopenia-induced lead and cadmium in rats. J. Hazard Mater.2008 Sep 20. [Epub ahead of print]Halici Z, Dursun H, Keles O.N, O<strong>da</strong>ci E, Suleyman H, Aydin N, Cadirci E, Kalkan Y, UnalB. 2008, Effect of chronic treatment of haloperidol on the rat liver: a stereological andhistopathological study. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2008 Oct 21. [Epub aheadof print]Karadeniz A, Yildirim A, Simsek N, Kalkan Y, Celebi F. 2008, Spirulina platensis protectsagainst gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Phytother Res. 22:1506-1510.İZMİR/Menemen Toprak ve Su Kaynakları A.E.N.Özden, Ü.ALTINBAŞ 2008 Research on Determining of Reflection Values ofRhodoxeral, hpsendoll and Xerofluvent Great Groups Symposium on Geophysics andremote Sensing in Determination of Near-Surface structures- April 30-May 02,İzmir/TurkeyISPARTA/Eğirdir Bahçe Kültürleri A.E.Sarısu, H.C., Kaymak, S. and Aşkın, M.A., 2008. Effects of 2002-2003 Winter Freezes on0900 Ziraat Sweet Cherry in Turkey. Acta Horticulture, 795 (2): 695-698.Atasay, A. ve Türemiş, N., 2008 Effect of Some Nutrient Applications on Plant Propertiesin Organic Strawberry Production.Workshop on "Berry production in changing climateconditions and cultivation systems", Geisenheim, Germany, 29-31 October 2008

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